muton (2023-08-31 23:17):
#paper Multiple routes to enhanced memory for emotionally relevant events令人厌恶的负性事件或奖赏有关的正性事件会被记得更好。这种记忆力的增强通常是因为引发了情感反应,这一过程与去甲肾上腺素和多巴胺调节的海马可塑性密切相关。最新发现表明预期偏差是上述事件会被记得更好的原因。在“预测”机制中,记忆会随着结果偏离预期的程度(即预测误差(PE)而得到加强)。 PE 对记忆的影响与情感结果本身是分开的,并且具有独特的神经特征。虽然这两种途径都能增强记忆,但两种机制会预测不同(有时甚至是相反)记忆整合的结果。文章讨论的一些新的研究结果强调了情绪事件增强、整合和分割记忆的机制。
Multiple routes to enhanced memory for emotionally relevant events
Events associated with aversive or rewarding outcomes are prioritized in memory. This memory boost is commonly attributed to the elicited affective response, closely linked to noradrenergic and dopaminergic modulation of hippocampal plasticity. Herein we review and compare this 'affect' mechanism to an additional, recently discovered, 'prediction' mechanism whereby memories are strengthened by the extent to which outcomes deviate from expectations, that is, by prediction errors (PEs). The mnemonic impact of PEs is separate from the affective outcome itself and has a distinct neural signature. While both routes enhance memory, these mechanisms are linked to different - and sometimes opposing - predictions for memory integration. We discuss new findings that highlight mechanisms by which emotional events strengthen, integrate, and segment memory.