白鸟 (2023-08-30 10:19):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06130-4. Nature, 2023, Hallmarks of transcriptional intratumour heterogeneity across a thousand tumours. 本文利用公开数据集发表nature文章,研究肿瘤内异质性ITH,进行系统的泛癌转录特征分析。文章整合77项scRNA-seq研究的数据,定义一个全面的泛癌图谱,该图谱描绘了转录ITH的11个“标志”。现在越来越多的研究利用公共数据,通过大样本研究共性和规律,科研结果也需要大量的样本作为证据链,此类文章的分析策略显得尤为重要。从错综复杂的数据中,抽丝剥茧,找到共性“元件”。另外,研究团队需要前期大量的知识积累和总结,来解释共性结论的合理性。在研究此课题前,已经有某些猜想构思。未来,随着HuBMAP和HTAN等研究联盟深入研究,通过不同组学不同维度构建出泛癌图谱,对肿瘤的发生发展会有更清晰的认识。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2023-Jun. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06130-4 PMID: 37258682
Hallmarks of transcriptional intratumour heterogeneity across a thousand tumours
Each tumour contains diverse cellular states that underlie intratumour heterogeneity (ITH), a central challenge of cancer therapeutics. Dozens of recent studies have begun to describe ITH by single-cell RNA sequencing, but each study typically profiled only a small number of tumours and provided a narrow view of transcriptional ITH. Here we curate, annotate and integrate the data from 77 different studies to reveal the patterns of transcriptional ITH across 1,163 tumour samples covering 24 tumour types. Among the malignant cells, we identify 41 consensus meta-programs, each consisting of dozens of genes that are coordinately upregulated in subpopulations of cells within many tumours. The meta-programs cover diverse cellular processes including both generic (for example, cell cycle and stress) and lineage-specific patterns that we map into 11 hallmarks of transcriptional ITH. Most meta-programs of carcinoma cells are similar to those identified in non-malignant epithelial cells, suggesting that a large fraction of malignant ITH programs are variable even before oncogenesis, reflecting the biology of their cell of origin. We further extended the meta-program analysis to six common non-malignant cell types and utilize these to map cell-cell interactions within the tumour microenvironment. In summary, we have assembled a comprehensive pan-cancer single-cell RNA-sequencing dataset, which is available through the Curated Cancer Cell Atlas website, and leveraged this dataset to carry out a systematic characterization of transcriptional ITH.