哪有情可长 (2023-07-31 20:26):
#paper Two complementary genes in a presence-absence variation contribute to _indica_-_japonica_ reproductive isolation in rice,Nature Communications,28 July 2023. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-0. 亚洲的栽培稻包括粳稻和梗稻两个亚种,两个亚种之间在形态、生理以及基因水平上存在显著差异,不同种之间的遗传差异会产生强大的杂种优势,而两个亚种之间的生殖隔离也会导致育性下降,结实率降低。该文章通过对两个亚种品种的PAV找到了一个粳稻杂种不育基因座Se,该基因座包含了两个相邻且具有互补效应的基因ORF3和ORF4. ORF3是编码一个具有毒性作用的孢子体花粉的杀手,而ORF4则以配子体方式保护花粉。而粳稻和籼稻杂交F1种。粳型单倍型的花粉由于缺乏ORF4的保护,会受到籼型ORF3的毒性作用导致花粉败育。另外作者又想追溯下Se位点的进化关系,利用14个稻属847分水稻进行基因座的PAV验证,分析。表明Se基因座的出现与AA基因组稻属物种的进化相关。单倍型分析结果表明,Se基因座共包含37种单倍型。根据ORF3_和ORF4的功能和来源,这37种单倍型又可以被进一步得分为5个大类。其中有功能的ORF3以中等频率(74/236)在籼稻中保持,而大多数(132/148)粳稻都缺失了ORF3和ORF4,表明Se基因座的PAV促进了亚洲栽培稻籼粳亚种之间生殖隔离的形成,同时也支持了籼稻和粳稻是由不同的普通野生稻独立驯化而来的理论。同时这个基因座也是cell A natural gene drive system confers reproductive isolation in rice这篇文章定到的位点。CELL更详细的讲了这个基因的分子机理,主要是OPR3可以跟细胞中线粒体的核心功能蛋白互作,干扰线粒体产生能量后导致花粉败育。而ORF4和ORF3互作,使得ORF3不能与核心蛋白互作,解除破坏作用。且ORF3和ORF4形成的复合体可以通过自噬体细胞器进行讲解,彻底消除ORF3的作用。CELL也分析了该基因座的起源和进化,在祖先中不存在,主要是在亚洲的栽培稻祖先-普通野生稻中分化出ORF3和ORF4的功能。经过驯化后,被籼稻继承。
IF:14.700Q1 Nature communications, 2023-07-28. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40189-x PMID: 37507369
Two complementary genes in a presence-absence variation contribute to indica-japonica reproductive isolation in rice
Understanding the evolutionary forces in speciation is a central goal in evolutionary biology. Asian cultivated rice has two subspecies, indica and japonica, but the underlying mechanism of the partial reproductive isolation between them remains obscure. Here we show a presence-absence variation (PAV) at the Se locus functions as an indica-japonica reproductive barrier by causing hybrid sterility (HS) in indica-japonica crosses. The locus comprises two adjacent genes: ORF3 encodes a sporophytic pollen killer, whereas ORF4 protects pollen in a gametophytic manner. In F of indica-japonica crosses, pollen with the japonica haplotype, which lacks the sequence containing the protective ORF4, is aborted due to the pollen-killing effect of ORF3 from indica. Evolutionary analysis suggests ORF3 is a gene associated with the Asian cultivated rice species complex, and the PAV has contributed to the reproductive isolation between the two subspecies of Asian cultivated rice. Our analyses provide perspectives on rice inter-subspecies post-zygotic isolation, and will promote efforts to overcome reproductive barriers in indica-japonica hybrid rice breeding.