惊鸿 (2023-07-29 17:48):
#paper CAR T therapy beyond cancer: the evolution of a living drug DOI : 10.1038/s41586-023-06243-w 2023-07-26 通过改造患者自身的 T 细胞来选择性地靶向并消除肿瘤细胞,已经治愈了患有无法治疗的血液癌症的患者。这些结果推动了嵌合抗原受体 (CAR) T 疗法在整个肿瘤学领域的应用。然而,临床和临床前研究的证据强调了 CAR T 疗法在肿瘤学之外治疗自身免疫、慢性感染、心脏纤维化、衰老相关疾病和其他疾病方面的潜力。同时,新技术和平台的部署为 CAR T 疗法应用于非癌症病理提供了进一步的机会。在这里,我们回顾了 CAR T 疗法背后的基本原理、当前肿瘤学面临的挑战、非癌症疾病初步报告的概要,以及对相关新兴技术的讨论。我们研究了这种疗法在各种情况下的潜在应用。最后,我们强调了对特异性和安全性的担忧,并概述了 CAR T 疗法超越癌症的前进道路。
CAR T therapy beyond cancer: the evolution of a living drug
Engineering a patient's own T cells to selectively target and eliminate tumour cells has cured patients with untreatable haematologic cancers. These results have energized the field to apply chimaeric antigen receptor (CAR) T therapy throughout oncology. However, evidence from clinical and preclinical studies underscores the potential of CAR T therapy beyond oncology in treating autoimmunity, chronic infections, cardiac fibrosis, senescence-associated disease and other conditions. Concurrently, the deployment of new technologies and platforms provides further opportunity for the application of CAR T therapy to noncancerous pathologies. Here we review the rationale behind CAR T therapy, current challenges faced in oncology, a synopsis of preliminary reports in noncancerous diseases, and a discussion of relevant emerging technologies. We examine potential applications for this therapy in a wide range of contexts. Last, we highlight concerns regarding specificity and safety and outline the path forward for CAR T therapy beyond cancer.