李翛然 (2023-06-27 14:00):
#paper Reduced hepatocyte mitophagy is an early feature of NAFLD pathogenesis and hastens the onset of steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2469234/v1. 这个文章很有意思。非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)是一种全球流行性慢性疾病,是由肝细胞中肝脏脂肪过度堆积导致,因此也称为肝脏脂肪变性。临床范围包括,包括肝脂肪变性(NAFL,超过5%的肝细胞中脂肪堆积)、非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH,其特征是存在肝细胞损伤、纤维化炎症等)、肝硬化和肝细胞癌。NAFLD与代谢综合征的特征密切相关,包括肥胖、胰岛素抵抗、高血糖、2型糖尿病和血脂异常。 现在基本上 35岁以上,有轻度的高血脂的人群或多或少都会出现脂肪肝。 传统的认为 脂肪肝都是吃的和代谢的问题,但是随着我们自己团队对于衰老模型的认识逐渐加深,以及各方的了解,其实非细菌性引起的各项炎症,也是引发癌症,NASH这种隐性疾病的元凶。 这一点和中医不谋而合,特别想中医上说的湿气重。 其实就是体内炎症无法清除干净的问题。 这两年真的是生物的好时候来了啊!生物信息学越来越多的应用,最终返璞归真,期待着采用天然产物来控制疾病到来的那一天。
Reduced hepatocyte mitophagy is an early feature of NAFLD pathogenesis and hastens the onset of steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) encompasses a spectrum of pathologies that includes steatosis, steatohepatitis (NASH) and fibrosis and is strongly associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Changes in mitochondrial function are implicated in the pathogenesis of NAFLD, particularly in the transition from steatosis to NASH. Mitophagy is a mitochondrial quality control mechanism that allows for the selective removal of damaged mitochondria from the cell via the autophagy pathway. While past work demonstrated a negative association between liver fat content and rates of mitophagy, when changes in mitophagy occur during the pathogenesis of NAFLD and whether such changes contribute to the primary endpoints associated with the disease are currently poorly defined. We therefore undertook the studies described here to establish when alterations in mitophagy occur during the pathogenesis of NAFLD, as well as to determine the effects of genetic inhibition of mitophagy via conditional deletion of a key mitophagy regulator, PARKIN, on the development of steatosis, insulin resistance, inflammation and fibrosis. We find that loss of mitophagy occurs early in the pathogenesis of NAFLD and that loss of PARKIN hastens the onset but not severity of key NAFLD disease features. These observations suggest that loss of mitochondrial quality control in response to nutritional stress may contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction and the pathogenesis of NAFLD.