哪有情可长 (2023-05-31 21:59):
#paper doi.org/10.1007/s42994-023-00095-8 Chromatin accessibility landscapes revealed the subgenome-divergent regulation networks during wheat grain development,最近在学习ATAC-seq数据分析,想利用别人已经发表的数据对自己的文章能够更深入。该作者对小麦籽粒5,9,15,20天的小麦籽粒发育阶段的构建了全基因组染色质开放图谱以及基因表达图谱,并对小麦籽粒发育中关键转录因子的调控网络进行了解析,揭示了小麦籽粒发育中亚基因组的分化调控,同时发掘了共调控淀粉与蛋白合成的转录因子。
IF:4.600Q1 aBIOTECH, 2023-Mar. DOI: 10.1007/s42994-023-00095-8 PMID: 37220536
Chromatin accessibility landscapes revealed the subgenome-divergent regulation networks during wheat grain development
Development of wheat ( L) grain mainly depends on the processes of starch synthesis and storage protein accumulation, which are critical for grain yield and quality. However, the regulatory network underlying the transcriptional and physiological changes of grain development is still not clear. Here, we combined ATAC-seq and RNA-seq to discover the chromatin accessibility and gene expression dynamics during these processes. We found that the chromatin accessibility changes are tightly associated with differential transcriptomic expressions, and the proportion of distal ACRs was increased gradually during grain development. Specific transcription factor (TF) binding sites were enriched at different stages and were diversified among the 3 subgenomes. We further predicted the potential interactions between key TFs and genes related with starch and storage protein biosynthesis and found different copies of some key TFs played diversified roles. Overall, our findings have provided numerous resources and illustrated the regulatory network during wheat grain development, which would shed light on the improvement of wheat yields and qualities.