muton (2023-04-30 23:19):
#paper Amygdala and cortical gamma-band responses to emotional faces depend on the attended to valence 杏仁核被认为贡献于情绪面孔视觉加工中自下而上的注意偏好,然而其对于情绪的反应如何与自上而下的注意相互作用却并不清楚。并且,杏仁核对情绪和注意的反应与头皮脑电相比有多大程度相似也仍有待探究。因此作者分别记录了杏仁核脑区的颅内电极以及头皮脑电伽马段的脑电活动来探究面孔加工过程中情绪和注意的交互。结果发现,在情绪检测实验中杏仁核的高频伽马出现在以中性面孔作为识别目标时,当以负性面孔作为识别目标时,低频伽马在负性面孔出现时会显著增加,并且不仅局限于杏仁核,同时在后部脑区头皮脑电记录中也存在,且时间窗早于杏仁核。这一结果符合情绪加工的多通路模型,并且是从注意(自上而下)的角度发现了伽马波在加工情绪面孔中的作用。
Amygdala and cortical gamma band responses to emotional faces depend on the attended to valence
The amygdala is assumed to contribute to a bottom-up attentional bias during visual processing of emotional faces. Still, how its response to emotion interacts with top-down attention is not fully understood. It is also unclear if amygdala activity and scalp EEG respond to emotion and attention in a similar way. Therefore, we studied the interaction of emotion and attention during face processing in oscillatory gamma-band activity (GBA) in the amygdala and on the scalp. Amygdala signals were recorded via intracranial EEG (iEEG) in 9 patients with epilepsy. Scalp recordings were collected from 19 healthy participants. Three randomized blocks of angry, neutral, and happy faces were presented, and either negative, neutral, or positive expressions were denoted as targets. Both groups detected happy faces fastest and most accurately. In the amygdala, the earliest effect was observed around 170 ms in high GBA (105-117.5 Hz) when neutral faces served as targets. Here, GBA was higher for emotional than neutral faces. During attention to negative faces, low GBA (< 90 Hz) increased specifically for angry faces both in the amygdala and over posterior scalp regions, albeit earlier on the scalp (60 ms) than in the amygdala (210 ms). From 570 ms, amygdala high GBA (117.5-145 Hz) was also increased for both angry and neutral, compared to happy, faces. When positive faces were the targets, GBA did not differentiate between expressions. The present data reveal that attention-independent emotion detection in amygdala high GBA may only occur during a neutral focus of attention. Top-down threat vigilance coordinates widespread low GBA, biasing stimulus processing in favor of negative faces. These results are in line with a multi-pathway model of emotion processing and help specify the role of GBA in this process by revealing how attentional focus can tune timing and amplitude of emotional GBA responses.