(2023-03-31 23:30):
#paper 2023-Structural changes induced by pasteurisation and/or high-pressure treatment of skim caprine milk。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idairyj.2022.105528。该研究结果表明脱脂山羊乳的巴氏杀菌和高压(HP)组合(PHP)过程可以改变蛋白质的二级结构,导致表面疏水性增加。HP处理前的巴氏杀菌降低了α-螺旋结构含量,同时增加了β-折叠结构含量,这与脱脂山羊乳样品表面疏水性和固有荧光的变化有关。对于PHP和HP处理组样品,随着压力水平的增加和处理时间的延长,α-螺旋和β-转角结构含量降低,而β-折叠和无规卷曲结构含量增加。PHP处理可作为乳制品行业的一种良好替代技术,以提高脱脂山羊乳的功能特性。
Structural changes induced by pasteurisation and/or high-pressure treatment of skim caprine milk
The effects of pasteurisation, high-pressure (HP), and a combination of pasteurisation and high-pressure (PHP) on the physicochemical properties and protein structure of caprine skim milk was investigated. Samples treated by PHP generally had a higher pH, whey protein denaturation, surface hydrophobicity, and intrinsic fluorescence than those treated only with heat or pressure. In contrast, the size of skim milk casein micelles decreased significantly with an increase in pressure level and time; however, the effect was less marked when heat and pressure treatments were combined. For the PHP and HP samples, as the level and time of pressure increased, the α-helix and β-turn content reduced, whereas β-sheet and random coil were induced. Thus, PHP treatment could be used as a good alternative technology in the dairy industry to promote the functional properties of skim caprine milk.