哪有情可长 (2023-03-24 21:51):
#paper A Gg protein regulates alkaline sensitivity in crops,science,24 march,2023,doi.org/10.1126/science.ade8416. 为了增加粮食产量,利用盐碱地,培养抗盐碱的作物,实现废田利用是现在作物育种的一大趋势。谢旗团队利用高粱这个抗碱性材料来挖掘基因。首先是通过GWAS鉴定到一个跟水稻中同源的基因(GS3)并命名为AT1(Alkaline tolerance 1),对部分高粱品种测序发现该基因能够分成两个单倍型,发现这个基因能够编码非典型G蛋白γ亚基,通过实验证明该基因能够调节环境胁迫下产生的过氧化氢外流,降低碱性敏感性。并且对该基因在小麦,玉米,水稻等作物中都进行大田试验验证,的确能够抗盐碱。
A Gγ protein regulates alkaline sensitivity in crops
The use of alkaline salt lands for crop production is hindered by a scarcity of knowledge and breeding efforts for plant alkaline tolerance. Through genome association analysis of sorghum, a naturally high-alkaline-tolerant crop, we detected a major locus, (), specifically related to alkaline-salinity sensitivity. An allele with a carboxyl-terminal truncation increased sensitivity, whereas knockout of increased tolerance to alkalinity in sorghum, millet, rice, and maize. encodes an atypical G protein γ subunit that affects the phosphorylation of aquaporins to modulate the distribution of hydrogen peroxide (HO) These processes appear to protect plants against oxidative stress by alkali. Designing knockouts of homologs or selecting its natural nonfunctional alleles could improve crop productivity in sodic lands.