(2023-02-28 23:07):
#paper DOI:10.1080/19490976.2021.2022407. Epigenetic regulation by gut microbiota.肠道微生物最近比较火,因为它们可以指导宿主体内健康和疾病的环境刺激。虽然已经在局部肠细胞和外周组织中描述了微生物群敏感的表观遗传机制,但还需要进一步的研究来完全破译宿主和微生物群之间的复杂关系。这篇综述从连接微生物群和哺乳动物细胞的表观遗传调控、微生物代谢物作为表观遗传底物和酶调节因子、微生物群在稳态和炎症过程中指导DNA甲基化模式、宿主-微生物通过组蛋白修饰相互作用、SCFAs对免疫细胞的调节作用、非共价修饰等方面强调了目前对肠道微生物群表观遗传调控的理解,以及这些发现在指导治疗方法以预防或对抗由微生物-宿主相互作用受损引起的疾病方面的重要意义。
IF:12.200Q1 Gut microbes, 2022 Jan-Dec. DOI: 10.1080/19490976.2021.2022407 PMID: 35000562
Epigenetic regulation by gut microbiota
The gastrointestinal tract is continuously exposed to trillions of commensal microbes, collectively termed the microbiota, which are environmental stimuli that can direct health and disease within the host. In addition to well-established bacterial sensing pathways, microbial signals are also integrated through epigenetic modifications that calibrate the transcriptional program of host cells without altering the underlying genetic code. Microbiota-sensitive epigenetic changes include modifications to the DNA or histones, as well as regulation of non-coding RNAs. While microbiota-sensitive epigenetic mechanisms have been described in both local intestinal cells and as well in peripheral tissues, further research is required to fully decipher the complex relationship between the host and microbiota. This Review highlights current understandings of epigenetic regulation by gut microbiota and important implications of these findings in guiding therapeutic approaches to prevent or combat diseases driven by impaired microbiota-host interactions.