林海onrush (2023-02-28 21:45):
#paper,doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05859-2,Continuous Symmetry Breaking in a Two-dimensional Rydberg Array,,自发对称性破坏是对物质相位及其相关跃迁进行分类的基础。被打破的潜在对称性的性质决定了相的许多定性特性;离散与连续对称性破坏的情况说明了这一点。与离散情况相反,连续对称性的破坏导致无间隙Goldstone模式的出现,例如控制有序相的热力学稳定性.作者利用可编程的里德伯量子模拟器实现了二维偶极XY模型,展示了XY铁磁体和XY反铁磁体相关低温态的绝热制备。在铁磁情况下,表征了长程XY阶的存在。这项工作对XY相互作用的多体物理学做出了贡献,补充了最近利用里德伯-封锁机制实现表现出离散自旋旋转对称性的Ising型相互作用的工作。该文近期被收录于nature,也证实了工作的严谨和创新。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2023-04. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05859-2 PMID: 36848931
Continuous symmetry breaking in a two-dimensional Rydberg array
Spontaneous symmetry breaking underlies much of our classification of phases of matter and their associated transitions. The nature of the underlying symmetry being broken determines many of the qualitative properties of the phase; this is illustrated by the case of discrete versus continuous symmetry breaking. Indeed, in contrast to the discrete case, the breaking of a continuous symmetry leads to the emergence of gapless Goldstone modes controlling, for instance, the thermodynamic stability of the ordered phase. Here, we realize a two-dimensional dipolar XY model that shows a continuous spin-rotational symmetry using a programmable Rydberg quantum simulator. We demonstrate the adiabatic preparation of correlated low-temperature states of both the XY ferromagnet and the XY antiferromagnet. In the ferromagnetic case, we characterize the presence of a long-range XY order, a feature prohibited in the absence of long-range dipolar interaction. Our exploration of the many-body physics of XY interactions complements recent works using the Rydberg-blockade mechanism to realize Ising-type interactions showing discrete spin rotation symmetry.