哪有情可长 (2023-02-28 20:25):
#paper Atlas of exercise metabolism reveals timedependent signatures of metabolic homeostasis,Cell Metabolism,15 January 2022, doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2021.12.016. 组织对运动的敏感性和反应会因为运动时间和生物钟的调整而不同,目前什么时间运动能够引发理想代谢结果还没有完全确定。作者为了解决组织如何独立和协调的对定时运动做出反应,利用7种小鼠组织和血清在一天不同的时间点进行急性运动后鉴定起代谢物的反应。通过对不同组织之间代谢物的动力学比较分析,揭示了一天中特定时间运动的局部和全身代谢物的无差异。通过构建运动代谢图谱,发现了跟跟时间依赖性运动代谢产物2-HB的产生和分布的清晰和生理背景,说明了运动对代谢的健康有促进作用。另外该作者在2018年,cell上也发表了一篇生物钟相关的文章:Atlas of Circadian Metabolism Reveals System-wide Coordination and Communication between Clocks。作者同时对8个小鼠组织进行了24小时代谢组学分析。在系统能量平衡和慢性营养应激(高脂饮食[HFD])的背景下,展示了昼夜节律代谢的时空图谱。
IF:27.700Q1 Cell metabolism, 2022-02-01. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2021.12.016 PMID: 35030324
Atlas of exercise metabolism reveals time-dependent signatures of metabolic homeostasis
Tissue sensitivity and response to exercise vary according to the time of day and alignment of circadian clocks, but the optimal exercise time to elicit a desired metabolic outcome is not fully defined. To understand how tissues independently and collectively respond to timed exercise, we applied a systems biology approach. We mapped and compared global metabolite responses of seven different mouse tissues and serum after an acute exercise bout performed at different times of the day. Comparative analyses of intra- and inter-tissue metabolite dynamics, including temporal profiling and blood sampling across liver and hindlimb muscles, uncovered an unbiased view of local and systemic metabolic responses to exercise unique to time of day. This comprehensive atlas of exercise metabolism provides clarity and physiological context regarding the production and distribution of canonical and novel time-dependent exerkine metabolites, such as 2-hydroxybutyrate (2-HB), and reveals insight into the health-promoting benefits of exercise on metabolism.