颜林林 (2023-02-27 21:12):
#paper doi:10.3390/ijms24043588 International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, A DNA Finite-State Machine Based on the Programmable Allosteric Strategy of DNAzyme. 本研究利用核酶(一种具有特定序列和构象的DNA分子,本身具有切割特定核酸片段的催化能力)的特性,构建了一个具有不同状态的纳米机器体系,通过加入不同的核酸分子(作为输入),使体系中发生链置换反应,从而使人工设计的核酶分子,可逆地改变为不同状态,并通过切割报告核酸分子输出荧光信号进行确认,从实验上验证了用DNA分子实现有限状态机的可行性。除了实时监测反应体系的荧光信号外,本研究也通过电泳对体系中存在的各个核酸分子进行了确认。本研究分别实现了两状态和五状态的有限状态机,从概念上验证了,可以通过增加不同序列的核酸分子,实现状态机的状态数量扩展,可据此进一步研发更复杂的DNA纳米分子机器。
A DNA Finite-State Machine Based on the Programmable Allosteric Strategy of DNAzyme
Living organisms can produce corresponding functions by responding to external and internal stimuli, and this irritability plays a pivotal role in nature. Inspired by such natural temporal responses, the development and design of nanodevices with the ability to process time-related information could facilitate the development of molecular information processing systems. Here, we proposed a DNA finite-state machine that can dynamically respond to sequential stimuli signals. To build this state machine, a programmable allosteric strategy of DNAzyme was developed. This strategy performs the programmable control of DNAzyme conformation using a reconfigurable DNA hairpin. Based on this strategy, we first implemented a finite-state machine with two states. Through the modular design of the strategy, we further realized the finite-state machine with five states. The DNA finite-state machine endows molecular information systems with the ability of reversible logic control and order detection, which can be extended to more complex DNA computing and nanomachines to promote the development of dynamic nanotechnology.