钟鸣 (2023-02-27 19:18):
#paper doi:10.3389/fvets.2020.00388 Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for 35 Breeds of Dogs: Associated Joint Disorders, Cancers, and Urinary Incontinence 这是一篇有关犬的最佳绝育年龄的循证研究。此前已经发现,绝育会增加犬罹患关节疾病和癌症的风险,无论性别是雌性或雄性。绝育时的年龄也同样会影响到这些疾病的发生,但由于不同品种间犬的体格和遗传背景相差很大,因此作者团队对包括柯基、贵宾、比格、金毛、德牧在内的共35个品种的犬的绝育年龄与健康状况做了调查,样本主要来源于作者所在的动物医院。作者详细报告了每个品种犬的关节疾病与肿瘤疾病患病风险增加与绝育年龄或性别的相关性,总的来说不同品种有相应的最佳绝育年龄,甚至同一品种的不同性别个体也有不同的最佳绝育年龄。但这篇研究中没有涉及到不同品种杂交犬的最佳绝育年龄。
Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for 35 Breeds of Dogs: Associated Joint Disorders, Cancers, and Urinary Incontinence
Neutering (including spaying) of male and female dogs in the first year after birth has become routine in the U.S. and much of Europe, but recent research reveals that for some dog breeds, neutering may be associated with increased risks of debilitating joint disorders and some cancers, complicating pet owners' decisions on neutering. The joint disorders include hip dysplasia, cranial cruciate ligament tear or rupture, and elbow dysplasia. The cancers include lymphoma, mast cell tumor, hemangiosarcoma, and osteosarcoma. In previous studies on the Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd Dog, neutering before a year of age was associated with increased risks of one or more joint disorders, 2-4 times that of intact dogs. The increase was particularly seen with dogs neutered by 6 months of age. In female Golden Retrievers, there was an increase in one or more of the cancers followed to about 2-4 times that of intact females with neutering at any age. The goal of the present study was to expand and use the same data collection and analyses to cover an additional 29 breeds, plus three varieties of Poodles. There were major breed differences in vulnerability to neutering, both with regard to joint disorders and cancers. In most cases, the caregiver can choose the age of neutering without increasing the risks of these joint disorders or cancers. Small-dog breeds seemed to have no increased risks of joint disorders associated with neutering, and in only two small breeds (Boston Terrier and Shih Tzu) was there a significant increase in cancers. To assist pet owners and veterinarians in deciding on the age of neutering a specific dog, guidelines that avoid increasing the risks of a dog acquiring these joint disorders or cancers are laid out for neutering ages on a breed-by-breed and sex basis.