大勇 (2022-12-31 23:13):
# paper Aversive memory formation in humans involves an amygdala-hippocampus phase code,2022,nature communication,https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33828-2 我们对于情绪性事件一般都会有一个更深刻的记忆,这一机制被认为是由于杏仁核调节了海马活动而导致的,然而这两个脑区间是如何交互的,其又是通过怎样一种神经动态的机制来影响记忆的并不清楚,本文作者利用颅内记录,发现成功编码的情绪记忆会伴随杏仁核theta相位与海马gamma振荡及神经元放电的耦合,随后记得和不记得的情绪刺激之间的相位差转化为一个时间段,形成了杏仁核和下游海马伽马之间的一致性滞后。这些结果揭示了一种机制,杏仁核 theta 相位协调瞬态杏仁核-海马伽马相干性以促进厌恶记忆编码。杏仁核可以传递情绪记忆的内容到其他脑区从而调节其他认知功能。
IF:14.700Q1 Nature communications, 2022-10-27. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-33828-2 PMID: 36302909
Aversive memory formation in humans involves an amygdala-hippocampus phase code
Memory for aversive events is central to survival but can become maladaptive in psychiatric disorders. Memory enhancement for emotional events is thought to depend on amygdala modulation of hippocampal activity. However, the neural dynamics of amygdala-hippocampal communication during emotional memory encoding remain unknown. Using simultaneous intracranial recordings from both structures in human patients, here we show that successful emotional memory encoding depends on the amygdala theta phase to which hippocampal gamma activity and neuronal firing couple. The phase difference between subsequently remembered vs. not-remembered emotional stimuli translates to a time period that enables lagged coherence between amygdala and downstream hippocampal gamma. These results reveal a mechanism whereby amygdala theta phase coordinates transient amygdala -hippocampal gamma coherence to facilitate aversive memory encoding. Pacing of lagged gamma coherence via amygdala theta phase may represent a general mechanism through which the amygdala relays emotional content to distant brain regions to modulate other aspects of cognition, such as attention and decision-making.