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#paper Differential gene expression in dairy cows under negative energy balance and ketosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Dairy Sci. 2021 Jan;104(1):602-615. doi: 10.3168/jds.2020-18883. 为了评估负能量平衡(NEB)、亚临床和临床酮症奶牛肝脏中差异基因表达的模式,该文筛选了NEB和临床和亚临床酮症期间基因表达的同行评审和相关文章(其中考虑到血浆β-羟基丁酸盐水平),创建维恩图以整合系统综述中获得的数据,并使用官方基因名称进行基因本体富集分析,确定了三种重要的代谢途径与NEB和亚临床和临床酮症相关。基因网络分析揭示了34个与脂肪酸转运和脂肪酸代谢功能相关的基因之间的共表达相互作用。在标记的QTL中,鉴定出9个与酮症相关的QTL。基因表达和GWAS数据的整合为奶牛NEB和亚临床和临床酮症的遗传背景提供了额外的理解。
IF:3.700Q2 Journal of dairy science, 2021-Jan. DOI: 10.3168/jds.2020-18883 PMID: 33189279
Differential gene expression in dairy cows under negative energy balance and ketosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Development of ketosis in high-producing dairy cows contributes to several animal health issues and highlights the need for a better understanding of the genetic basis of metabolic diseases. To evaluate the pattern of differential gene expression in the liver of cows under negative energy balance (NEB), and under subclinical and clinical ketosis, a meta-analysis of gene expression and genome-wide association studies results was performed. An initial systematic review identified 118 articles based on the key words "cow," "liver," "negative energy balance," "ketosis," "expression," "qPCR," "microarray," "proteomic," "RNA-Seq," and "GWAS." After further screening for only peer-reviewed and pertinent articles for gene expression during NEB and clinical and subclinical ketosis (considering plasma levels of β-hydroxybutyrate), 20 articles were included in the analysis. From the systematic review, 430 significant SNPs identified by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were assigned to genes reported in gene expression studies by considering chromosome and base pair positions in the ARS-UCD 1.2 bovine assembly. Venn diagrams were created to integrate the data obtained in the systematic review, and Gene Ontology enrichment analysis was carried out using official gene names. A QTL enrichment analysis was also performed to identify potential positional candidate loci. Twenty-four significant SNPs were located within the coordinates of differentially expressed genes located on chromosomes 2, 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 27, and 29. Three significant metabolic pathways were associated with NEB and subclinical and clinical ketosis. In addition, 2 important genes, PPARA (peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha) and ACACA (acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase α), were identified, which were differentially expressed in the 3 metabolic conditions. The PPARA gene is involved in the regulation of lipid metabolism and fatty liver disease and the ACACA gene encodes an enzyme that catalyzes the carboxylation of acetyl-coenzyme A to malonyl-coenzyme A, which is a rate-limiting step in fatty acid synthesis. Gene network analysis revealed co-expression interactions among 34 genes associated with functions involving fatty acid transport and fatty acid metabolism. For the annotated QTL, 9 QTL were identified for ketosis. The genes FN1 (fibronectin 1) and PTK2 (protein tyrosine kinase 2), which are mainly involved in cell adhesion and formation of extracellular matrix constituents, were enriched for QTL previously associated with the trait "ketosis" on chromosome 2 and for the trait "milk iron content" on chromosome 14, respectively. This integration of gene expression and GWAS data provides an additional understanding of the genetic background of NEB and subclinical and clinical ketosis in dairy cattle. Thus, it is a useful approach to identify biological mechanisms underlying these metabolic conditions in dairy cattle.