笑对人生 (2022-12-31 13:24):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.03.009. Characterizing genetic intra-tumor heterogeneity across 2,658 human cancer genomes. Cell. 2021 Apr 15;184(8):2239-2254.e39. 瘤内异质性(Intra-tumor heterogeneity,ITH)是癌症治疗耐药发生的重要因素之一。ITH的计算其实是首先通过计算突变在所有肿瘤细胞的占比(即CCF),然后将具有相似肿瘤占比的突变进行聚类,最终区分肿瘤组织中哪些细胞是clone,哪些是subclone。因此,ITH的形成与肿瘤组织内clone和subclone的比例密切相关。一般来说,患者ITH低,具有免疫原性的肿瘤新生抗原主要来自clone,那么在经过治疗后,大部分的肿瘤细胞会杀死,患者预后较好。本研究通过对38种癌症类型,共2658份肿瘤组织样本的全基因组测序数据(Whole-genome sequencing,WGS)进行了ITH分析。该分析的数据集来自PCAWG,分析的内容包括单核苷酸变异、插入或缺失、结构变异、拷贝数变异、亚克隆结构推断和进化关系、以及突变特征分析,每种分析使用了4-11种算法。研究发现,大概95.1%的样本在复杂的亚克隆支型进化关系种存在明显的亚克隆扩张。在大多数癌症类型中存在亚克隆驱动突变的正向选择(positive selection)。正向选择通常会引起突变位点的多态性降低,累积有利变异,最终引起selective sweep。Selective sweep就是指当某种有利突变受到强的自然选择后,引起该位点所在染色体区域的基因多态性降低的现象。此外,该研究进一步揭示了亚克隆扩张之间存在具有癌种特异性的驱动基因突变、基因融合、结构变异和拷贝数变异的亚克隆模式,以及一些动态的突变过程。类似的研究在2019年曾有报道 (doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1689-y),但主要关注肿瘤的转移灶,认为相比于原发肿瘤,转移灶的肿瘤内异质性相对较低。文章中涉及的一些专有名词如下:CCF,cancer cell fraction是指包含某种变异的细胞在所有肿瘤细胞的占比。如果肿瘤组织中所有肿瘤细胞携带某个特定的体细胞突变,那么这个突变的CCF即为1。乘客突变(passenger mutation)指肿瘤的发生和发展无关的突变、与之相对的促进肿瘤发展的驱动突变(driver mutation)。WGD,whole-genome duplication/doubling,全基因组倍增涉及整套染色体复制,可引起所有基因的拷贝增加,是人类肿瘤非整倍体变异进化的主要影响因素。2021年,有研究使用了约10000个原发肿瘤样本,涵盖32种不同肿瘤类型,全面分析了具有WGD的肿瘤基因组特征(doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-03133-3)。
IF:45.500Q1 Cell, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.03.009
Characterizing genetic intra-tumor heterogeneity across 2,658 human cancer genomes
Stefan C. Dentro , Ignaty Leshchiner , Kerstin Haase , Maxime Tarabichi , Jeff Wintersinger , Amit G. Deshwar , Kaixian Yu , Yulia Rubanova , Geoff Macintyre , Jonas Demeulemeester , Ignacio Vázquez-García , Kortine Kleinheinz , Dimitri G. Livitz , Salem Malikic , Nilgun Donmez , Subhajit Sengupta , Pavana Anur , Clemency Jolly , Marek Cmero , Daniel Rosebrock , Steven E. Schumacher , Yu Fan , Matthew Fittall , Ruben M. Drews , Xiaotong Yao , Thomas B.K. Watkins , Juhee Lee , Matthias Schlesner , Hongtu Zhu , David J. Adams , Nicholas McGranahan , Charles Swanton , Gad Getz , Paul C. Boutros , Marcin Imielinski , Rameen Beroukhim , S. Cenk Sahinalp , Yuan Ji , Martin Peifer , Inigo Martincorena , Florian Markowetz , Ville Mustonen , Ke Yuan , Moritz Gerstung , Paul T. Spellman , Wenyi Wang , Quaid D. Morris , David C. Wedge , Peter Van Loo , Stefan C. Dentro , Ignaty Leshchiner , Moritz Gerstung , Clemency Jolly , Kerstin Haase , Maxime Tarabichi , Jeff Wintersinger , Amit G. Deshwar , Kaixian Yu , Santiago Gonzalez , Yulia Rubanova , Geoff Macintyre , Jonas Demeulemeester , David J. Adams , Pavana Anur , Rameen Beroukhim , Paul C. Boutros , David D. Bowtell , Peter J. Campbell , Shaolong Cao , Elizabeth L. Christie , Marek Cmero , Yupeng Cun , Kevin J. Dawson , Nilgun Donmez , Ruben M. Drews , Roland Eils , Yu Fan , Matthew Fittall , Dale W. Garsed , Gad Getz , Gavin Ha , Marcin Imielinski , Lara Jerman , Yuan Ji , Kortine Kleinheinz , Juhee Lee , Henry Lee-Six , Dimitri G. Livitz , Salem Malikic , Florian Markowetz , Inigo Martincorena , Thomas J. Mitchell , Ville Mustonen , Layla Oesper , Martin Peifer , Myron Peto , Benjamin J. Raphael , Daniel Rosebrock , S. Cenk Sahinalp , Adriana Salcedo , Matthias Schlesner , Steven E. Schumacher , Subhajit Sengupta , Ruian Shi , Seung Jun Shin , Lincoln D. Stein , Oliver Spiro , Ignacio Vázquez-García , Shankar Vembu , David A. Wheeler , Tsun-Po Yang , Xiaotong Yao , Ke Yuan , Hongtu Zhu , Wenyi Wang , Quaid D. Morris , Paul T. Spellman , David C. Wedge , Peter Van Loo <<<
Intra-tumor heterogeneity (ITH) is a mechanism of therapeutic resistance and therefore an important clinical challenge. However, the extent, origin, and drivers of ITH across cancer types are poorly understood. To address this, we extensively characterize ITH across whole-genome sequences of 2,658 cancer samples spanning 38 cancer types. Nearly all informative samples (95.1%) contain evidence of distinct subclonal expansions with frequent branching relationships between subclones. We observe positive selection of subclonal driver mutations across most cancer types and identify cancer type-specific subclonal patterns of driver gene mutations, fusions, structural variants, and copy number alterations as well as dynamic changes in mutational processes between subclonal expansions. Our results underline the importance of ITH and its drivers in tumor evolution and provide a pan-cancer resource of comprehensively annotated subclonal events from whole-genome sequencing data.