钟鸣 (2022-11-29 00:04):
#paper https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2020.00252 ,Frontiers in Veterinary Science,Contagious Yawning in African Elephants (Loxodonta africana): Responses to Other Elephants and Familiar Humans 你可能知道,打哈欠是会传染的,即当看到/听到/想到别人打哈欠时,也会不由自主跟着打哈欠。不仅如此,打哈欠也会在物种间相互传染,目前已知的是人与狗、人与黑猩猩间存在种间传染性打哈欠现象。虽然传染性打哈欠的发生机制和作用还不清楚,但据推测与个体间的社会沟通有关。大象具有高度发达的大脑,且社会化程度很高,为探究大象与人是否存在种间传染性哈欠,本文作者设计了一系列观察实验。实验对象是公园里的7头大象,它们每天按例与饲养员沟通,还要与游客互动。 在正式试验前,作者记录了大象打哈欠的频率:在觉醒时平均18小时打一个哈欠,这表明觉醒时自发打哈欠的频率很低。在正式试验中,饲养员在执行日常训练任务时,直视大象并且做出打哈欠动作(嘴巴缓慢张开、呆住,随后迅速闭合),对照试验为张嘴动作(缓慢张开、缓慢闭合)。结论是观察到了人象之间的种间传染性哈欠。
Contagious Yawning in African Elephants (Loxodonta africana): Responses to Other Elephants and Familiar Humans
While spontaneous yawning is common across all vertebrate classes, contagious yawning is less common and has been observed only in a few species of social animals. Interspecific contagious yawning in response to yawning by humans has been observed only by chimpanzees and dogs. After confirming additional occurrences of intraspecific contagious yawning in a group of captive African elephants previously studied, we further investigated the potential for the same group of elephants to engage in interspecific contagious yawning with familiar human handlers. Ten captive African elephants, most of whom had been previously studied, were observed over 13 nights for evidence of intraspecific contagious yawning. Seven of these elephants were also involved in trials where familiar handlers performed staged yawns, as well as trials with staged non-yawning gapes, or trials with no yawns or gapes. Incorporating previously collected contagious yawning data, we describe nine instances of intraspecific contagious yawning in the elephants. Three of the seven elephants yawned contagiously in response to humans during the interspecific yawning trials. This is the first report of interspecific contagious yawning by elephants in response to yawns by familiar humans.