徐炳祥 (2022-11-23 13:30):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41592-021-01248-7 Nature methods, 2021, Systematic evaluation of chromosome conformation capture assays。染色质空间构象捕获(3C)及由其衍生的一系列技术是当前研究真核生物染色质空间组织模式的主要高通量手段,已经取得了多项重要发现。目前,多个实验室已发展了多套不同的实验流程。本文对这些流程中的主要差异点,包括交联剂配方,使用的内切酶等对实验结果的影响进行了详细分析。通过对比多个细胞类型的结果,作者找到了最优的交联剂配方和内切酶类型,发展了一套新的,能同时适用于染色质结构与和染色质环检测的新Hi-C实验流程。
IF:36.100Q1 Nature methods, 2021-09. DOI: 10.1038/s41592-021-01248-7 PMID: 34480151
Systematic evaluation of chromosome conformation capture assays
Chromosome conformation capture (3C) assays are used to map chromatin interactions genome-wide. Chromatin interaction maps provide insights into the spatial organization of chromosomes and the mechanisms by which they fold. Hi-C and Micro-C are widely used 3C protocols that differ in key experimental parameters including cross-linking chemistry and chromatin fragmentation strategy. To understand how the choice of experimental protocol determines the ability to detect and quantify aspects of chromosome folding we have performed a systematic evaluation of 3C experimental parameters. We identified optimal protocol variants for either loop or compartment detection, optimizing fragment size and cross-linking chemistry. We used this knowledge to develop a greatly improved Hi-C protocol (Hi-C 3.0) that can detect both loops and compartments relatively effectively. In addition to providing benchmarked protocols, this work produced ultra-deep chromatin interaction maps using Micro-C, conventional Hi-C and Hi-C 3.0 for key cell lines used by the 4D Nucleome project.