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#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118423. NeuroImage, 2021, Representation learning of resting state fMRI with variational autoencoder. 这篇文章是变分自编码器(VAE)在静息态磁共振成像上进行表征学习的一次尝试。该团队使用了HCP的650个健康被试的静息态磁共振影像,利用FreeSurfer工具将单个被试的BOLD信号volume数据(仅皮层)映射至球面,之后再利用极坐标转换(用横向和纵向偏转角度描述)至二维平面,将该“二维平面激活图”输入VAE训练。主要研究结论: 1、VAE对rfMRI的重建效果显著优于PCA、GIFT等数据重建方法,但会对全脑BOLD信号造成smooth效果。在VAE的latent space上随机重采样重建数据,进一步计算出的seed-based FC或FCS都具有很高的可重复性。 2、训练集不包括fMRI的时间维度的信息,但是研究发现volume的全脑BOLD信号映射至latent space后随着时间序列推移存在某些特定的运动规律(例如主要沿着某些方向运动),这是由某些脑区(感觉运动、初级视觉、听觉等)的独特激活模式造成的。 3、t-SNE分析发现来自同一被试的volume数据聚为一类,说明VAE学习到了每个被试独特的BOLD信号激活模式,这是其他数据重建算法(PCA等)无法做到的。 4、无论是在latent space还是在reconstruction space,VAE都保留了被试间和被试内(不同session之间)的相似性。
IF:4.700Q1 NeuroImage, 2021-11-01. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118423 PMID: 34303794
Representation learning of resting state fMRI with variational autoencoder
Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) data exhibits complex but structured patterns. However, the underlying origins are unclear and entangled in rsfMRI data. Here we establish a variational auto-encoder, as a generative model trainable with unsupervised learning, to disentangle the unknown sources of rsfMRI activity. After being trained with large data from the Human Connectome Project, the model has learned to represent and generate patterns of cortical activity and connectivity using latent variables. The latent representation and its trajectory represent the spatiotemporal characteristics of rsfMRI activity. The latent variables reflect the principal gradients of the latent trajectory and drive activity changes in cortical networks. Representational geometry captured as covariance or correlation between latent variables, rather than cortical connectivity, can be used as a more reliable feature to accurately identify subjects from a large group, even if only a short period of data is available in each subject. Our results demonstrate that VAE is a valuable addition to existing tools, particularly suited for unsupervised representation learning of resting state fMRI activity.