龙海晨 (2022-11-01 23:04):
#paper Vicente M, Schlebusch C M. African population history: an ancient DNA perspective[J]. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 2020, 62: 8-15. PMID: 32563853  DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2020.05.008 上次我分享了基因和考古相关的一篇实验论著,结果几天后公布的诺贝尔奖和这项技术相关。发现群里不少人对这个方向感兴趣。这次给大家推荐一篇综述。这篇综述所涉及的领域就是通过一个古老的DNA视角去看非洲的人口历史。如果对于基因考古感兴趣的朋友,除了这篇综述之外,该综述的参考文献也推荐阅读。这篇文章通过总结相关的研究文献。通过研究非洲大陆现代人类,古代人类,远古人类的遗传基因,与考古发现相关联对比,研究非洲大陆从狩猎采集到农耕文明以及现代的文明发展。从现代和史前非洲人的不同群体中获得完整的基因组数据。随着这项技术的发展,未来的古代DNA研究有望 揭示更详细的非洲人类史前故事。人类的历史研究以前通过考古文字,基因技术的加入,可以把研究人类的历史推进到没有文字没有金属的远古时代。基因技术不仅研究未来,也研究过去。文章介绍了考古所用的ancient DNA 的技术发展。在非洲大陆上考古,各个地区,国家,部落,文明的研究与基因技术考古的运用。对基因考古人类文明感兴趣的朋友,推荐阅读该文章和文章的参考文献。
African population history: an ancient DNA perspective
The history of human populations in Africa is complex and includes various demographic events that influenced patterns of genetic variation across the continent. Through genetic studies of modern-day, and most recently, ancient African genetic variation, it became evident that deep African history is captured by the relationships among hunter-gatherers. Furthermore, it was shown that agriculture had a large influence on the distribution of current-day Africans. These later population movements changed the demographic face of the continent and descendants of farming groups today form the majority populations across Africa. Ancient DNA methods are continually evolving, and we see evidence of this in how research has advanced in the last decade. With the increased availability of full genomic data from diverse sets of modern-day and prehistoric Africans we now have more power to infer human demography. Future ancient DNA research promises to reveal more detailed stories of human prehistory in Africa.