Ricardo (2022-10-31 23:13):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/251512 Unbiased construction of a temporally consistent morphological atlas of neonatal brain development 这是UCL一名已毕业的博士在博士期间做的新生儿脑模板构建的工作,但是一直没有见刊,至今还挂在bioRxiv上。为构建无偏的脑模板,作者首先通过成对的线性配准寻找公共空间,在这个全局配准阶段,模板构建算法可以暂时忽略全局的形状变化,而专注于局部的形变。其次,作者介绍了一个快速且无偏的配准算法。最后,作者利用kernel regression的方法分配每个被试的权重,用于生成对应孕周的脑模板。
bioRxiv, 2018. DOI: 10.1101/251512
Unbiased construction of a temporally consistent morphological atlas of neonatal brain development
AbstractPremature birth increases the risk of developing neurocognitive and neurobe-havioural disorders. The mechanisms of altered brain development causing these disorders are yet unknown. Studying the morphology and function of the brain during maturation provides us not only with a better understanding of normal development, but may help us to identify causes of abnormal development and their consequences. A particular difficulty is to distinguish abnormal patterns of neurodevelopment from normal variation. The Developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) seeks to create a detailed four-dimensional (4D) connectome of early life. This connectome may provide insights into normal as well as abnormal patterns of brain development. As part of this project, more than a thousand healthy fetal and neonatal brains will be scanned in vivo. This requires computational methods which scale well to larger data sets. We propose a novel groupwise method for the construction of a spatio-temporal model of mean morphology from cross-sectional brain scans at different gestational ages. This model scales linearly with the number of images and thus improves upon methods used to build existing public neonatal atlases, which derive correspondence between all pairs of images. By jointly estimating mean shape and longitudinal change, the atlas created with our method overcomes temporal inconsistencies, which are encountered when mean shape and intensity images are constructed separately for each time point. Using this approach, we have constructed a spatio-temporal atlas from 275 healthy neonates between 35 and 44 weeks post-menstrual age (PMA). The resulting atlas qualitatively preserves cortical details significantly better than publicly available atlases. This is moreover confirmed by a number of quantitative measures of the quality of the spatial normalisation and sharpness of the resulting template brain images.