钟鸣 (2022-10-31 17:38):
#paper doi:10.1186/s12864-022-08678-3 BMC Genomics,2022,From a large-scale genomic analysis of insertion sequences to insights into their regulatory roles in prokaryotes 插入序列(IS)作为可转移的外源序列,经常插入在原核生物基因组中。IS的插入有何影响?本文通过大范围的比较基因组分析探究了这个问题。在8481个基因组中鉴定到612700个IS插入,除了对这些IS和基因组类别进行分类描述外,作者还重点分析了IS的插入位置的偏好以及对基因组功能上的影响,他们发现IS普遍插入在基因功能与转录调控和转运活性有关的基因两侧,从而影响宿主的表型。IS影响宿主表型已是屡见不鲜,本研究从更广阔的范围内印证了这点,加深了我们对IS的了解,期望以后看到本领域更多的了解和新发现。
IF:3.500Q2 BMC genomics, 2022-Jun-20. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-022-08678-3 PMID: 35725380
From a large-scale genomic analysis of insertion sequences to insights into their regulatory roles in prokaryotes
BACKGROUND: Insertion sequences (ISs) are mobile repeat sequences and most of them can copy themselves to new host genome locations, leading to genome plasticity and gene regulation in prokaryotes. In this study, we present functional and evolutionary relationships between IS and neighboring genes in a large-scale comparative genomic analysis.RESULTS: IS families were located in all prokaryotic phyla, with preferential occurrence of IS3, IS4, IS481, and IS5 families in Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes as well as in eukaryote host-associated organisms and autotrophic opportunistic pathogens. We defined the concept of the IS-Gene couple (IG), which allowed to highlight the functional and regulatory impacts of an IS on the closest gene. Genes involved in transcriptional regulation and transport activities were found overrepresented in IG. In particular, major facilitator superfamily (MFS) transporters, ATP-binding proteins and transposases raised as favorite neighboring gene functions of IS hotspots. Then, evolutionary conserved IS-Gene sets across taxonomic lineages enabled the classification of IS-gene couples into phylum, class-to-genus, and species syntenic IS-Gene couples. The IS5, IS21, IS4, IS607, IS91, ISL3 and IS200 families displayed two to four times more ISs in the phylum and/or class-to-genus syntenic IGs compared to other IS families. This indicates that those families were probably inserted earlier than others and then subjected to horizontal transfer, transposition and deletion events over time. In phylum syntenic IG category, Betaproteobacteria, Crenarchaeota, Calditrichae, Planctomycetes, Acidithiobacillia and Cyanobacteria phyla act as IS reservoirs for other phyla, and neighboring gene functions are mostly related to transcriptional regulators. Comparison of IS occurrences with predicted regulatory motifs led to ~ 26.5% of motif-containing ISs with 2 motifs per IS in average. These results, concomitantly with short IS-Gene distances, suggest that those ISs would interfere with the expression of neighboring genes and thus form strong candidates for an adaptive pairing.CONCLUSIONS: All together, our large-scale study provide new insights into the IS genetic context and strongly suggest their regulatory roles.