(2022-10-26 20:33):
#paper doi:#paper doi:doi:10.1038/ng.592, OsSPL14 promotes panicle branching and higher grainproductivity in rice.作物产量三要素主要是亩穗数、穗粒数和千粒重。提高产量主要是提高三要素之间的协同作用。水稻的第二次“绿色革命”是通过降低株高来增加了水稻的产量。而现在有人认为在水稻中IPA这个基因是新型的"绿色革命"基因。该基因能够能够在水稻的生殖期通过在水稻幼穗内高表达促进水稻穗分枝和籽粒产量。小麦中关于SBP蛋白的研究有很多,通过同源blast,在小麦中也鉴定到了IPA的同源基因。文章在2017年发表在《Plant Physiology》“Functional conservation and divergence among homoeologs of TaSPL20 and TaSPL21, two SBP-box genes governing yield-related traits in hexaploid wheat”,作者发现普通小麦部分同源基因TaSPL20和TaSPL21在小麦长期的驯化和遗传改良过程中产生功能分化,其优异的自然变异在我国小麦育种进程中受到了定向选择并被广泛应用,但是这个文中中验证基因由于当初小麦转基因比较难,文中中验证是在水稻中进行的,证明该基因增加了籽粒大小,从而增加了产量。如果是在小麦中验证会更好。
OsSPL14 promotes panicle branching and higher grain productivity in rice
Identification of alleles that improve crop production and lead to higher-yielding varieties are needed for food security. Here we show that the quantitative trait locus WFP (WEALTHY FARMER'S PANICLE) encodes OsSPL14 (SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE 14, also known as IPA1). Higher expression of OsSPL14 in the reproductive stage promotes panicle branching and higher grain yield in rice. OsSPL14 controls shoot branching in the vegetative stage and is affected by microRNA excision. We also demonstrate the feasibility of using the OsSLP14(WFP) allele to increase rice crop yield. Introduction of the high-yielding OsSPL14(WFP) allele into the standard rice variety Nipponbare resulted in increased rice production.