周周复始 (2022-10-26 20:17):
#paper doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.04.433968,Deep Diffusion MRI Registration (DDMReg): A Deep Learning Method for Diffusion MRI Registration。本文基于深度学习提出了新的配准框架,用于dmri数据的配准。由于dmri数据既包含水分子扩散强度也包含水扩散方向信息,所以配准dmri,既要使全脑解剖结构对齐也要让纤维束方向保持一致,传统配准方法存在的问题是要么不包含方向信息,要么是专门针对纤维束进行配准不能保证全脑结构的对齐。本文方法的输入数据包含了代表全脑解剖结构信息的FA图像和代表纤维束方向的TOM图像,通过一个基于voxelmorph改进后的DDMReg网络架构,训练出的模型效果与最先进的四种方法(SyN,DTI-Tk,MRReg,voxelmorph)相比是最优的。
Deep Diffusion MRI Registration (DDMReg): A Deep Learning Method for Diffusion MRI Registration
AbstractIn this paper, we present a deep learning method, DDMReg, for accurate registration between diffusion MRI (dMRI) datasets. In dMRI registration, the goal is to spatially align brain anatomical structures while ensuring that local fiber orientations remain consistent with the underlying white matter fiber tract anatomy. DDMReg is a novel method that uses joint whole-brain and tract-specific information for dMRI registration. Based on the successful VoxelMorph framework for image registration, we propose a novel registration architecture that leverages not only whole brain information but also tract-specific fiber orientation information. DDMReg is an unsupervised method for deformable registration between pairs of dMRI datasets: it does not require nonlinearly pre-registered training data or the corresponding deformation fields as ground truth. We perform comparisons with four state-of-the-art registration methods on multiple independently acquired datasets from different populations (including teenagers, young and elderly adults) and different imaging protocols and scanners. We evaluate the registration performance by assessing the ability to align anatomically corresponding brain structures and ensure fiber spatial agreement between different subjects after registration. Experimental results show that DDMReg obtains significantly improved registration performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Importantly, we demonstrate successful generalization of DDMReg to dMRI data from different populations with varying ages and acquired using different acquisition protocols and different scanners.