颜林林 (2022-09-11 23:59):
#paper doi:10.1101/2022.09.09.453067 bioRxiv, 2022, HexSE: Simulating evolution in overlapping reading frames. 重叠基因是在病毒(质粒)中发现的一种有趣现象,即同一段核酸序列,因为翻译蛋白质的起始位置不同(即阅读框不同)导致形成不同蛋白。到目前为止的研究,发现在许多物种中都存在此现象。本文通过分析序列演化速率,来从积累的大量已被测序的基因组数据中,寻找这样的重叠基因。其基本假设是,如果存在重叠基因,则相应序列上受到的演化选择压力会有所不同,于是在结果上呈现出不同的演化速率。这是个很有意思的思路和研究课题。
HexSE: Simulating evolution in overlapping reading frames
Motivation: Gene overlap occurs when two or more genes are encoded by the same nucleotides. This phenomenon is found in all taxonomic domains, but is particularly common in viruses, where it may provide a mechanism to increase the information content of compact genomes. The presence of overlapping reading frames (OvRFs) can skew estimates of selection based on the rates of non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions, since a substitution that is synonymous in one reading frame may be non-synonymous in another, and vice versa. Results: To understand the impact of OvRFs on molecular evolution, we implemented a versatile simulation model of nucleotide sequence evolution along a phylogeny with an arbitrary distribution of reading frames. We use a custom data structure to track the substitution rates at every nucleotide site, which is determined by the stationary nucleotide frequencies, transition bias, and the distribution of selection biases (dN/dS) in the respective reading frames. Availability and implementation: Our simulation model is implemented in the Python scripting language. All source code is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3, and is available at https://github.com/PoonLab/HexSE.