小年 (2022-08-31 10:19):
#paper doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24213-6 nature communications, 2021, Single-cell transcriptomic analysis reveals disparate effector differentiation pathways in human Treg compartment. 人类调节性 T细胞 (Treg) 是具有高度免疫抑制的一类CD4+ T细胞类群。本文通过对健康人的骨髓及外周血采样分选出Treg细胞,采用单细胞转录组、单细胞TCR技术构建了健康个体两个不同组织的Treg细胞图谱,并通过轨迹分析解析了Treg细胞两条不同功能的主要分化途径,辅以流式细胞仪分选验证。随后采用同样的技术对移植后aGVHD阴性和阳性的患者进行Treg解析,发现这两个分化途径及相应的细胞群体在移植患者中保守,尽管在aGVHD患者中存在一些功能和迁移障碍。这些发现扩大了对 Treg 细胞异质性和分化的理解,并为解剖 Treg 在健康和疾病中的复杂性提供了单细胞图谱参考。
IF:14.700Q1 Nature communications, 2021-06-23. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-24213-6 PMID: 34162888
Single-cell transcriptomic analysis reveals disparate effector differentiation pathways in human Treg compartment
Human FOXP3 regulatory T (T) cells are central to immune tolerance. However, their heterogeneity and differentiation remain incompletely understood. Here we use single-cell RNA and T cell receptor sequencing to resolve T cells from healthy individuals and patients with or without acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) who undergo stem cell transplantation. These analyses, combined with functional assays, separate T cells into naïve, activated, and effector stages, and resolve the HLA-DR, LIMS1, highly suppressive FOXP3, and highly proliferative MKI67 effector subsets. Trajectory analysis assembles T subsets into two differentiation paths (I/II) with distinctive phenotypic and functional programs, ending with the FOXP3 and MKI67 subsets, respectively. Transcription factors FOXP3 and SUB1 contribute to some Path I and Path II phenotypes, respectively. These FOXP3 and MKI67 subsets and two differentiation pathways are conserved in transplanted patients, despite having functional and migratory impairments under aGVHD. These findings expand the understanding of T cell heterogeneity and differentiation and provide a single-cell atlas for the dissection of T complexity in health and disease.