颜林林 (2022-08-02 23:38):
#paper doi:10.1101/2020.02.16.951657 bioRxiv, 2022, APA-Scan: Detection and Visualization of 3'-UTR Alternative Polyadenylation with RNA-seq and 3'-end-seq Data. 在真核生物中存在一种名为APA(可变的多聚腺苷酸)的机制,通过形成不同的可变剪接,使表达的基因的3'-UTR区域携带不同长度的poly-A(多聚腺苷酸)序列,从而实现精细调控基因表达(包括降解等)。本文开发了一个计算工具APA-Scan,能够基于RNA-seq数据,分析并充分考虑其相关区域的测序深度信息,鉴定APA事件,给出相应注释,并提供图形化展示,弥补了过去其他工具方法在这方面的缺失和不足。本文还通过对模拟数据和两个实际公共数据集(DaPars和APAtrap)进行分析评测,并使用qPCR实验进行了验证。
APA-Scan: Detection and Visualization of 3’-UTR Alternative Polyadenylation with RNA-seq and 3’-end-seq Data
BackgroundThe eukaryotic genome is capable of producing multiple isoforms from a gene by alternative polyadenylation (APA) during pre-mRNA processing. APA in the 3’-untranslated region (3’-UTR) of mRNA produces transcripts with shorter or longer 3’-UTR. Often, 3’-UTR serves as a binding platform for microRNAs and RNA-binding proteins, which affect the fate of the mRNA transcript. Thus, 3’-UTR APA is known to modulate translation and provides a mean to regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. Current bioinformatics pipelines have limited capability in profiling 3’-UTR APA events due to incomplete annotations and a low-resolution analyzing power: widely available bioinformatics pipelines do not reference actionable polyadenylation (cleavage) sites but simulate 3’-UTR APA only using RNA-seq read coverage, causing false positive identifications. To overcome these limitations, we developed APA-Scan, a robust program that identifies 3’-UTR APA events and visualizes the RNA-seq short-read coverage with gene annotations.MethodsAPA-Scan utilizes either predicted or experimentally validated actionable polyadenylation signals as a reference for polyadenylation sites and calculates the quantity of long and short 3’-UTR transcripts in the RNA-seq data. APA-Scan works in three major steps: (i) calculate the read coverage of the 3’-UTR regions of genes; (ii) identify the potential APA sites and evaluate the significance of the events among two biological conditions; (iii) graphical representation of user specific event with 3’-UTR annotation and read coverage on the 3’-UTR regions. APA-Scan is implemented in Python3. Source code and a comprehensive user’s manual are freely available at https://github.com/compbiolabucf/APA-Scan.ResultAPA-Scan was applied to both simulated and real RNA-seq datasets and compared with two widely used baselines DaPars and APAtrap. In simulation APA-Scan significantly improved the accuracy of 3’-UTR APA identification compared to the other baselines. The performance of APA-Scan was also validated by 3’-end-seq data and qPCR on mouse embryonic fibroblast cells. The experiments confirm that APA-Scan can detect unannotated 3’ -UTR APA events and improve genome annotation.ConclusionAPA-Scan is a comprehensive computational pipeline to detect transcriptome-wide 3’-UTR APA events. The pipeline integrates both RNA-seq and 3’-end-seq data information and can efficiently identify the significant events with a high-resolution short reads coverage plots.