哪有情可长 (2022-07-30 21:34):
#paper doi: 10.1126/science.abl7392 Gametophyte genome activation occurs at pollen mitosis I in maize. 孢子体经过减数分裂成单倍体的孢子,然后经细胞增殖和分化,形成配子体。配子体世代的主要功能是形成单倍体配子,而精、卵细胞的融合又产生了新的孢子体,从而完成了一个生活周期。母体基因控制着植物受精后大多数早期事件,随后是母体到合子的转变,这个过程中母体产物的降解与合子基因组的激活相协调。本研究对玉米减数分裂开始到花粉脱落的26天内单个玉米花粉前体细胞和籽粒RNA含量进行测序,发现,花粉发育到一半的过程中,花粉粒的单倍体基因组从亲本的二倍体基因组中夺取控制权,随着孢子体到配子体的转变,为下一代的生长发育奠定了基础。
Gametophyte genome activation occurs at pollen mitosis I in maize
Flowering plants alternate between multicellular haploid (gametophyte) and diploid (sporophyte) generations. Pollen actively transcribes its haploid genome, providing phenotypic diversity even among pollen grains from a single plant. In this study, we used allele-specific RNA sequencing of single pollen precursors to follow the shift to haploid expression in maize pollen. We observed widespread biallelic expression for 11 days after meiosis, indicating that transcripts synthesized by the diploid sporophyte persist long into the haploid phase. Subsequently, there was a rapid and global conversion to monoallelic expression at pollen mitosis I, driven by active new transcription from the haploid genome. Genes showed evidence of increased purifying selection if they were expressed after (but not before) pollen mitosis I. This work establishes the timing during which haploid selection may act in pollen.