颜林林 (2022-06-11 14:48):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.cell.2022.04.016 Cell, 2022, Structural basis for RNA surveillance by the human nuclear exosome targeting (NEXT) complex. 这篇发表在最新一期《Cell》杂志上的文章,来自MSKCC(纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心),仅有两位署名作者,M. Rhyan Puno 和 Christopher D. Lima。这项研究主要是基于冷冻电镜(cryo-EM),研究人细胞核外切体靶向(NEXT)复合物的分子结构。标题中的exosome是包含多种核酸外切酶的蛋白复合体,在细胞中起到外切和降解RNA的作用,是关乎RNA分子生存期及细胞内稳态的重要机制。另一个在液体活检领域常见的概念“外泌体”英文单词也是exosome,但其为包裹和使细胞向外分泌蛋白与核酸等分子的具有磷酸双分子层膜的囊泡结构,与此篇文章的exosome无关,应避免混淆。冷冻电镜是一种可以使生物大分子尽量维持在生物体内活性状态下,并被测定其原子级别高分辨率结构的技术。本文基于它,详细分析了组成 NEXT 复合物的核心蛋白 MTR4、RBM7 和 ZCCHC8 的结构及组装关系,包括它们所形成的复合物,结合底物 RNA 的通道。并结合其他分子实验,包括突变体细胞系构建、免疫沉淀、RNA表达谱测序等,分析和确认了它们在识别底物 RNA 过程中的作用。对 ZCCHC8-ROS1 融合等突变形式,对相应酶活性的影响,以及所导致的表型或疾病发生,也做了相应的研究和讨论。本文应该算是一篇典型的结构生物学研究文章,所研究的内容,属于普遍存在于所有真核生物与古菌生物的基础生物学问题,具有教科书级的重要意义。
IF:45.500Q1 Cell, 2022-06-09. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.04.016 PMID: 35688134
Structural basis for RNA surveillance by the human nuclear exosome targeting (NEXT) complex
RNA quality control relies on co-factors and adaptors to identify and prepare substrates for degradation by ribonucleases such as the 3' to 5' ribonucleolytic RNA exosome. Here, we determined cryogenic electron microscopy structures of human nuclear exosome targeting (NEXT) complexes bound to RNA that reveal mechanistic insights to substrate recognition and early steps that precede RNA handover to the exosome. The structures illuminate ZCCHC8 as a scaffold, mediating homodimerization while embracing the MTR4 helicase and flexibly anchoring RBM7 to the helicase core. All three subunits collaborate to bind the RNA, with RBM7 and ZCCHC8 surveying sequences upstream of the 3' end to facilitate RNA capture by MTR4. ZCCHC8 obscures MTR4 surfaces important for RNA binding and extrusion as well as MPP6-dependent recruitment and docking onto the RNA exosome core, interactions that contribute to RNA surveillance by coordinating RNA capture, translocation, and extrusion from the helicase to the exosome for decay.