颜林林 (2022-06-09 07:56):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41586-022-04803-0 Nature, 2022, Cohesin-mediated loop anchors confine the locations of human replication origins. 这篇新发表在Nature上的文章,来自一项大型研究项目,The 4D nucleome project (doi:10.1038/nature23884),该项目旨在开发并应用一系列生物技术方法,研究人类和小鼠基因组在时空上的结构特性,以深入了解细胞核的组织和功能,4D指的正是三维空间结构加上时间动态变化。在这篇文章中,作者们主要对该项目 Phase 1 的 Tier 1 H1 Human hES (hES) 细胞系的 Hi-C 数据进行分析,通过其自研方法,鉴定出全基因组水平上高分辨率的 TADs/subTADs(拓扑关联域/拓扑关联子域),并分析它们与染色质loop、DNA复制起始区(IZ)之间的分布关系,结合这些数据的采集方法及细胞所处周期等信息,提出由cohesin介导的loop挤压和复制推动的相关模型。同时,使用靶向 CRISPR–Cas9 基因组编辑方法,干扰CTCF+cohesin后对复制的影响,也验证了该模型。这项工作展示了如何通过组学数据分析,提出在分子细胞生物学相应概念模型的研究方法,很值得学习。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2022-06. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04803-0 PMID: 35676475
Cohesin-mediated loop anchors confine the locations of human replication origins
DNA replication occurs through an intricately regulated series of molecular events and is fundamental for genome stability. At present, it is unknown how the locations of replication origins are determined in the human genome. Here we dissect the role of topologically associating domains (TADs), subTADs and loops in the positioning of replication initiation zones (IZs). We stratify TADs and subTADs by the presence of corner-dots indicative of loops and the orientation of CTCF motifs. We find that high-efficiency, early replicating IZs localize to boundaries between adjacent corner-dot TADs anchored by high-density arrays of divergently and convergently oriented CTCF motifs. By contrast, low-efficiency IZs localize to weaker dotless boundaries. Following ablation of cohesin-mediated loop extrusion during G1, high-efficiency IZs become diffuse and delocalized at boundaries with complex CTCF motif orientations. Moreover, G1 knockdown of the cohesin unloading factor WAPL results in gained long-range loops and narrowed localization of IZs at the same boundaries. Finally, targeted deletion or insertion of specific boundaries causes local replication timing shifts consistent with IZ loss or gain, respectively. Our data support a model in which cohesin-mediated loop extrusion and stalling at a subset of genetically encoded TAD and subTAD boundaries is an essential determinant of the locations of replication origins in human S phase.