(2025-02-25 18:46):
#paper DOI: 10.1186/s13059-023-03031-7. Yongping Zhang, Shuting Jiang et al. Genome Biology. Single-cell transcriptomics reveals multiple chemoresistant properties in leukemic stem and progenitor cells in pediatric AML. 该研究依托于儿童AML低剂量化疗联合G-CSF三期随机对照多中心临床试验(CALS III-AML18),通过精细解析患者化疗前后骨髓的异质性细胞群体结合临床大样本队列验证和功能实验,首次刻画了儿童AML化疗后残留肿瘤细胞的单细胞图谱。研究明确了患者体内的白血病干细胞和氧化磷酸化两个耐药特征及其对应的精确细胞亚群,发现了耐药的HSC-like干细胞亚群及其表面标记物CD69,并初步揭示了CD69通过调控mTOR-CCND1-CXCR4轴介导耐药的分子机制。研究还发现该干细胞耐药亚群的细胞比例高低与预后不良的临床表型和基因组特征相关,这些研究为临床诊断和监测提供了重要的理论依据。
Genome Biology,
DOI: 10.1186/s13059-023-03031-7
Single-cell transcriptomics reveals multiple chemoresistant properties in leukemic stem and progenitor cells in pediatric AML
Abstract Background Cancer patients can achieve dramatic responses to chemotherapy yet retain resistant tumor cells, which ultimately results in relapse. Although xenograft model studies have identified several cellular and molecular features that are associated with chemoresistance in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), to what extent AML patients exhibit these properties remains largely unknown. Results We apply single-cell RNA sequencing to paired pre- and post-chemotherapy whole bone marrow samples obtained from 13 pediatric AML patients who had achieved disease remission, and distinguish AML clusters from normal cells based on their unique transcriptomic profiles. Approximately 50% of leukemic stem and progenitor populations actively express leukemia stem cell (LSC) and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) signatures, respectively. These clusters have a higher chance of tolerating therapy and exhibit an enhanced metabolic program in response to treatment. Interestingly, the transmembrane receptor CD69 is highly expressed in chemoresistant hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)-like populations (named the CD69+ HSC-like subpopulation). Furthermore, overexpression of CD69 results in suppression of the mTOR signaling pathway and promotion of cell quiescence and adhesion in vitro. Finally, the presence of CD69+ HSC-like cells is associated with unfavorable genetic mutations, the persistence of residual tumor cells in chemotherapy, and poor outcomes in independent pediatric and adult public AML cohorts. Conclusions Our analysis reveals leukemia stem cell and OXPHOS as two major chemoresistant features in human AML patients. CD69 may serve as a potential biomarker in defining a subpopulation of chemoresistant leukemia stem cells. These findings have important implications for targeting residual chemo-surviving AML cells.
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