符毓 Yu (2025-01-31 11:25):
#paper doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2405.18730, 2024, Development of a Novel Impedance-Controlled Quasi-Direct-Drive Robotic Hand. 准直驱执行器除了低成本、易于控制等优势外,本文提出准直驱执行器在灵巧手的应用场景,如从桌子边缘拾取硬币等小物体,或从非结构化环境中快速 / 动态抓取小物体,也有独特的优势。
arXiv, 2024-05-29T03:20:46Z. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2405.18730
Development of a Novel Impedance-Controlled Quasi-Direct-Drive Robotic Hand
Most robotic hands and grippers rely on actuators with large gearboxes andforce sensors for controlling gripping force. However, this might not be idealfor tasks that require the robot to interact with an unstructured and unknownenvironment. In this paper, we introduce a novel quasi-direct-drivetwo-fingered robotic hand with variable impedance control in the joint spaceand Cartesian space. The hand has a total of four degrees of freedom,backdrivable differential gear trains, and four brushless direct current (BLDC)motors. Motor torque is controlled through Field-Oriented Control (FOC) withcurrent sensing. Variable impedance control enables the robotic hand to executedexterous manipulation tasks safely during environment-robot and human-robotinteractions. The quasi-direct-drive actuators eliminate the need for complextactile/force sensors or precise motion planning when handling environmentalcontact. A majority-3D-printed assembly makes this a low-cost research platformbuilt with affordable, readily available off-the-shelf components. Experimentalvalidation demonstrates the robotic hand's capability for stable force-closureand form-closure grasps in the presence of disturbances, reliable in-handmanipulation, and safe dynamic manipulations despite contact with theenvironment.