(2024-12-27 13:05):
#paper DOI: 10.1093/database/baaa102 NPBS database: a chemical data resource with relational data between natural products and biological sources. Database 2020, baaa102. 一个天然产物数据库,最近我在研究天然产物的一些方案,发现上海药物所把世界上主要的天然产物搞了个数据集,这个还是不错的。给大家也推荐一下, 但是搜索还是没做好,还是字符串相似度搜索,拉丁翻译和中文对应的比较差劲。 应该上Vector search了。
DOI: 10.1093/database/baaa102
NPBS database: a chemical data resource with relational data between natural products and biological sources
Abstract NPBS (Natural Products & Biological Sources) database is a chemical data resource with relational data between natural products and biological sources, manually curated from literatures of natural product researches. The relational data link a specific species and all the natural products derived from it and contrarily link a specific natural product and all the biological sources. The biological sources cover diverse species of plant, bacterial, fungal and marine organisms; the natural molecules have proper chemical structure data and computable molecular properties and all the relational data have corresponding references. NPBS database provides a wider choice of biological sources and can be used for dereplication to prevent re-isolation and re-characterization of already known natural products. Database URL: http://www.organchem.csdb.cn/scdb/NPBS
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