muton (2024-08-31 23:32):
#paper Huang, Q., Xiao, Z., Yu, Q. et al. Replay-triggered brain-wide activation in humans. Nat Commun 15, 7185 (2024). 将零散的经历整合成一个连贯的故事可以塑造认知地图,为我们的经历提供有组织的认知表征。在这个过程中,过去的记忆会被激活并以顺序播放,促进海马体与皮质之间的对话。然而,记忆序列激活(或重播)同时在整个大脑范围内发生的协同作用仍尚未得到充分研究。在这项研究中,作者利用EEG-fMRI同时记录技术捕捉记忆重播的时空动态。我们发现,在心理模拟过程中,过去的记忆会以快速序列的形式通过EEG检测到。这些短暂的重播事件与海马体和前额叶皮质的增强fMRI活动有关。重播发生的频率会增强海马体与默认模式网络(一组对代表认知地图的关键脑区)之间的功能连接。另一方面,当受试者在学习后休息时,与任务相关的记忆重播强度高于学习前的休息时,并与海马体激活的增强和海马体与齿状回的连接增强有关。我们的研究结果共同表明,短暂的记忆重现与连续的重放过程与大脑广泛的区域性活动有关。
Replay-triggered brain-wide activation in humans
The consolidation of discrete experiences into a coherent narrative shapes the cognitive map, providing structured mental representations of our experiences. In this process, past memories are reactivated and replayed in sequence, fostering hippocampal-cortical dialogue. However, brain-wide engagement coinciding with sequential reactivation (or replay) of memories remains largely unexplored. In this study, employing simultaneous EEG-fMRI, we capture both the spatial and temporal dynamics of memory replay. We find that during mental simulation, past memories are replayed in fast sequences as detected via EEG. These transient replay events are associated with heightened fMRI activity in the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex. Replay occurrence strengthens functional connectivity between the hippocampus and the default mode network, a set of brain regions key to representing the cognitive map. On the other hand, when subjects are at rest following learning, memory reactivation of task-related items is stronger than that of pre-learning rest, and is also associated with heightened hippocampal activation and augmented hippocampal connectivity to the entorhinal cortex. Together, our findings highlight a distributed, brain-wide engagement associated with transient memory reactivation and its sequential replay.