(2024-07-31 18:12):
#paper:Hu, H., Li, A., Zhang, L., Liu, C., Shi, L., Peng, X., ... & Xue, G. (2024). Goal-directed attention transforms both working and long-term memory representations in the human parietal cortex. PLoS biology, 22(7), e3002721. 日常生活中我们会加工诸多信息,并存储到长时记忆,但当多个信息同时存在时,选择性注意是如何处理相互竞争的信息,减少干扰信息的影响呢。现有的工作记忆研究发现,注意可以通过灵活的编码和映射机制来保护目标表征。然而,在更复杂的图片刺激以及更长时间尺度下,这些机制是否同样有助于目标表征的记忆编码和长时提取尚未清楚。这项研究结合选择性注意任务和一天后的再认任务,揭示了选择性注意影响工作记忆以及长时记忆的神经机制。首先,研究采用分类器解码的分析方法,发现知觉注意和内省注意两种自上而下的注意在有效线索出现后均能增强目标表征和抑制干扰表征,且知觉注意的调节作用更强。此外,与视觉皮层相比,顶叶对干扰项的抑制作用更强,在知觉注意条件下干扰项的解码概率甚至和未出现的图片种类的解码概率无显著差异,说明顶叶更能抵抗干扰,更受自上而下的注意调节影响。并且虽然顶叶和视觉皮层都表征了目标信息,但在有干扰图片的知觉注意条件下,目标信息更多表征在背外侧顶叶,而在没有干扰物的基线条件下更多表征在视觉皮层。这表明在面对干扰时,大脑中维持目标表征的区域发生了部分的转移。研究还发现,在再认阶段目标表征和干扰表征的相似性越低,被试的总体记忆成绩越好。这些结果表示人类在进行长时记忆加工过程中受注意调控的影响,也证明了情景记忆的动态性。
PLoS biology,
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002721
PMID: 39008524
Goal-directed attention transforms both working and long-term memory representations in the human parietal cortex
The abundance of distractors in the world poses a major challenge to our brain's limited processing capacity, but little is known about how selective attention modulates stimulus representations in the brain to reduce interference and support durable target memory. Here, we collected functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data in a selective attention task in which target and distractor pictures of different visual categories were simultaneously presented. Participants were asked to selectively process the target according to the effective cue, either before the encoding period (i.e., perceptual attention) or the maintenance period (i.e., reflective attention). On the next day, participants were asked to perform a memory recognition task in the scanner in which the targets, distractors, and novel items were presented in a pseudorandom order. Behavioral results showed that perceptual attention was better at enhancing target memory and reducing distractor memory than reflective attention, although the overall memory capacity (memory for both target and distractor) was comparable. Using multiple-voxel pattern analysis of the neural data, we found more robust target representation and weaker distractor representation in working memory for perceptual attention than for reflective attention. Interestingly, perceptual attention partially shifted the regions involved in maintaining the target representation from the visual cortex to the parietal cortex. Furthermore, the targets and distractors simultaneously presented in the perceptual attention condition showed reduced pattern similarity in the parietal cortex during retrieval compared to items not presented together. This neural pattern repulsion positively correlated with individuals' recognition of both targets and distractors. These results emphasize the critical role of selective attention in transforming memory representations to reduce interference and improve long-term memory performance.