他者 (2024-06-06 21:01):
#paper Differential Recruitment of the Hippocampus, Medial Prefrontal Cortex, and the Human Motion Complex during Path Integration in Humans. J Neurosci. 2007. 路径整合能力指监测自我运动,追踪方向和位置的变化的能力,是空间导航和认知地图发展的关键。之前的研究表明动物的路径整合主要由头朝向细胞(head-direction)、网格细胞(grid cell)和位置细胞(place cell)支持,然而,在本文发表之前,对于人类路径整合细胞的脑网络基础还不清楚。因此,研究者检验人类被试在三角范式中的fMRI信号,以探究人类路径整合的脑网络是否与啮齿动物、非人类哺乳动物相似。研究主要结果如下:1-更强的右侧海马信号预测了更准确的路径整合表现;2-被试间反应一致性波动与双侧海马和内侧前额叶激活负相关;3-双侧人体运动复合体 (hMT+)回路与个体路径整合能力共变。综上,该研究首次证明视觉路径整合与海马、内侧前额叶、人体运动复合体有关。
Differential Recruitment of the Hippocampus, Medial Prefrontal Cortex, and the Human Motion Complex during Path Integration in Humans
Path integration, the ability to sense self-motion for keeping track of changes in orientation and position, constitutes a fundamental mechanism of spatial navigation and a keystone for the development of cognitive maps. Whereas animal path integration is predominantly supported by the head-direction, grid, and place cell systems, the neural foundations are not well understood in humans. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging and a virtual rendition of a triangle completion paradigm to test whether human path integration recruits a cortical system similar to that of rodents and nonhuman primates. Participants traveled along two legs of a triangle before pointing toward the starting location. In accordance with animal models, stronger right hippocampal activation predicted more accurate updating of the starting location on a trial-by-trial basis. Moreover, between-subjects fluctuations in response consistency were negatively correlated with bilateral hippocampal and medial prefrontal activation, and bilateral recruitment of the human motion complex (hMT+) covaried with individual path integration capability. Given that these effects were absent in a perceptual control task, the present study provides the first evidence that visual path integration is related to the dynamic interplay of self-motion processing in hMT+, higher-level spatial processes in the hippocampus, and spatial working memory in medial prefrontal cortex.