钟鸣 (2024-05-27 23:13):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2023.11.016 Lights, fiber, action! A primer on in vivo fiber photometry 这是一篇比较权威也比较新出炉的综述,讲解全面也细致。 首先,指出近年来光度测定法迅速发展和普遍使用的背景,以及与其他方法相比独特的优势。 随后,讲解了不同类型的生物传感器。包括列举传感器类型、讲解传感器的两大组成部分(传感域和荧光报告域)的结构基础及相应特性。着重介绍了传感器的选择,包括2种获得阴性对照信号的方式及要注意的坑,指出了将生物传感器导入体内的方式及利弊,也顺带着提了一嘴多光同用的价值。 第三块介绍了相关机器的硬件,包括光源的分类、多光源调制方式(频分/时分)、信号带宽、灵敏度、使用转环的利弊、无线系统、多模态(联用光遗传)等方面。作者还科普了3个新兴且有潜力的硬件:光谱可分辨传感器、锥形光纤、FLiP。 接下来就是数据处理部分。在预处理阶段,强调了中间步骤的重要性、要理解光度信号的组成成分及相应的噪音影响。很有价值的是,作者以图片形式展示了过滤、漂白校正、运动校正和标准化(DF/F 、Zscore)的处理效果及代码。当然作者也以文字介绍了上述过程的处理注意事项。 在数据分析这块,主要介绍的是事件关联分析和线性回归。这块有点抽象。 最后展望了一下未来。
IF:14.700Q1 Neuron, 2024-Mar-06. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.11.016 PMID: 38103545
Lights, fiber, action! A primer on in vivo fiber photometry
Fiber photometry is a key technique for characterizing brain-behavior relationships in vivo. Initially, it was primarily used to report calcium dynamics as a proxy for neural activity via genetically encoded indicators. This generated new insights into brain functions including movement, memory, and motivation at the level of defined circuits and cell types. Recently, the opportunity for discovery with fiber photometry has exploded with the development of an extensive range of fluorescent sensors for biomolecules including neuromodulators and peptides that were previously inaccessible in vivo. This critical advance, combined with the new availability of affordable "plug-and-play" recording systems, has made monitoring molecules with high spatiotemporal precision during behavior highly accessible. However, while opening exciting new avenues for research, the rapid expansion in fiber photometry applications has occurred without coordination or consensus on best practices. Here, we provide a comprehensive guide to help end-users execute, analyze, and suitably interpret fiber photometry studies.