muton (2024-04-30 22:07):
#paper doi: 10.1126/science.adk8261. Epub 2024 Mar 28. Selection of experience for memory by hippocampal sharp wave ripples 记忆对人类来说是非常重要的,但是并不是所有经历过的事件都能够被记住,那么大脑是如何筛选出值得记住的瞬间的呢? 纽约大学的György Buzsáki教授发现一种神经振荡的信号叫做SWR,也就是尖波涟漪波,他们认为清醒时期尖波涟漪波的发放会帮助记忆“打标”,帮助我们从事件中选择出有用的部分,并且在本文中的设想是清醒时起有尖波涟漪波发放附近的事件在睡眠时期会同样发放SWR并以replay的形式进行记忆巩固,帮助增强了记忆。本文运用了序列非负矩阵分解(seqNMF) 与统一流形的估计投影技术(UMAP)帮助解码了小鼠在迷宫路径探索下的行为和时间信息,使这一假设得到了数据的支持。
Selection of experience for memory by hippocampal sharp wave ripples
Experiences need to be tagged during learning for further consolidation. However, neurophysiological mechanisms that select experiences for lasting memory are not known. By combining large-scale neural recordings in mice with dimensionality reduction techniques, we observed that successive maze traversals were tracked by continuously drifting populations of neurons, providing neuronal signatures of both places visited and events encountered. When the brain state changed during reward consumption, sharp wave ripples (SPW-Rs) occurred on some trials, and their specific spike content decoded the trial blocks that surrounded them. During postexperience sleep, SPW-Rs continued to replay those trial blocks that were reactivated most frequently during waking SPW-Rs. Replay content of awake SPW-Rs may thus provide a neurophysiological tagging mechanism to select aspects of experience that are preserved and consolidated for future use.