钟鸣 (2024-02-29 23:59):
#paper doi:10.1177/0706743718773728 An Overview of Animal Models Related to Schizophrenia 精神分裂是一种复杂的精神类疾病,疾病模型的不成熟也限制了对该疾病的病因及治疗的进一步的深入理解。在本综述中,作者回顾了多种精神分裂动物模型的造模方式,按照原理可分为发育模型、药物诱导模型、遗传模型、性别模型等几大类。作者细说了各类模型的总体方法和数据细节,但是可以看出,这些造模方法都有遗传因素有很大关联。
An Overview of Animal Models Related to Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous psychiatric disorder that is poorly treated with current therapies. In this brief review, we provide an update regarding the use of animal models to study schizophrenia in an attempt to understand its aetiology and develop novel therapeutic strategies. Tremendous progress has been made developing and validating rodent models that replicate the aetiologies, brain pathologies, and behavioural abnormalities associated with schizophrenia in humans. Here, models are grouped into 3 categories-developmental, drug induced, and genetic-to reflect the heterogeneous risk factors associated with schizophrenia. Each of these models is associated with varied but overlapping pathophysiology, endophenotypes, behavioural abnormalities, and cognitive impairments. Studying schizophrenia using multiple models will permit an understanding of the core features of the disease, thereby facilitating preclinical research aimed at the development and validation of better pharmacotherapies to alter the progression of schizophrenia or alleviate its debilitating symptoms.