林海onrush (2024-01-31 23:47):
#paper, doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06747-5, Solving olympiad geometry without human demonstrations, 此文介绍了一种解决数学奥林匹克竞赛中复杂几何问题的创新方法。论文中提出的AlphaGeometry是一种结合神经语言模型和符号推理引擎的神经符号系统。它能够生成包括定理和证明在内的合成数据,有效克服了此领域训练数据的稀缺性。AlphaGeometry在解决难度较高的奥林匹克级别问题方面表现出色,其性能可与国际数学奥林匹克竞赛(IMO)金牌得主相媲美。它不仅能以人类可读格式合成证明,还发现了一个已知IMO定理的更通用版本。AlphaGeometry在自动定理证明领域取得了重要进展,展示了神经符号系统在解决复杂数学问题方面的潜力,为不依赖人类生成数据的人工智能研究提供了新方向。这一发展对数学和人工智能领域产生深远影响。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2024-Jan. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06747-5 PMID: 38233616
Solving olympiad geometry without human demonstrations
Proving mathematical theorems at the olympiad level represents a notable milestone in human-level automated reasoning, owing to their reputed difficulty among the world's best talents in pre-university mathematics. Current machine-learning approaches, however, are not applicable to most mathematical domains owing to the high cost of translating human proofs into machine-verifiable format. The problem is even worse for geometry because of its unique translation challenges, resulting in severe scarcity of training data. We propose AlphaGeometry, a theorem prover for Euclidean plane geometry that sidesteps the need for human demonstrations by synthesizing millions of theorems and proofs across different levels of complexity. AlphaGeometry is a neuro-symbolic system that uses a neural language model, trained from scratch on our large-scale synthetic data, to guide a symbolic deduction engine through infinite branching points in challenging problems. On a test set of 30 latest olympiad-level problems, AlphaGeometry solves 25, outperforming the previous best method that only solves ten problems and approaching the performance of an average International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) gold medallist. Notably, AlphaGeometry produces human-readable proofs, solves all geometry problems in the IMO 2000 and 2015 under human expert evaluation and discovers a generalized version of a translated IMO theorem in 2004.