半面阳光 (2024-01-31 13:17):
#paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pd.5079, Prenatal diagnosis, 2017, Comparing methods for fetal fraction determination and quality control of NIPT samples. 在无创产前筛查(NIPT)的分析流程中,胎儿游离DNA浓度(cell-free fetal DNA fraction )是一个重要的参数,尤其是检测样本中具有高背景浓度的母亲游离DNA(maternal cell-free DNA),计算fetal fraction是NIPT流程中的一个重要环节。这篇文献比较了四种计算fetal fraction的方法,分别是DEFRAG、BAYINDIR、SEQFF、SANEFALCON。作者手机了654例外周血样本,其中279例为女胎,375例为男胎,然后进行NGS测序,再分别用4种方法计算fetal fraction。研究结果发现,DEFRAG和BAYINDIR这两种基于Y染色体测序数据进行计算的方法一致性要优于另外两种可以同时计算男女胎fetal fraction的方法。其中DEFRAG在计算低胎儿浓度的样本时,表现比BAYINDIR方法更好。而SeqFF和SANEFALCON这两种可计算女胎胎儿浓度的方法,虽然不及DEFRAG和BAYINDIR的准确性,但是SANEFALCON在计算由于胎儿浓度低而分析失败样本时表现较好,甚至优于DEFRAG。此外,作者还探讨分析了孕妇BMI指数和孕周对计算fetal fraction的影响,结果显示DEFRAG在计算fetal fraction时受到这两个参数的影响较其他方法更明显。
IF:2.700Q2 Prenatal diagnosis, 2017-Aug. DOI: 10.1002/pd.5079 PMID: 28561435
Comparing methods for fetal fraction determination and quality control of NIPT samples
OBJECTIVE: To compare available analysis methods for determining fetal fraction on single read next generation sequencing data. This is important as the performance of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) procedures depends on the fraction of fetal DNA.METHODS: We tested six different methods for the detection of fetal fraction in NIPT samples. The same clinically obtained data were used for all methods, allowing us to assess the effect of fetal fraction on the test result, and to investigate the use of fetal fraction for quality control.RESULTS: We show that non-NIPT methods based on body mass index (BMI) and gestational age are unreliable predictors of fetal fraction, male pregnancy specific methods based on read counts on the Y chromosome perform consistently and the fetal sex-independent new methods SeqFF and SANEFALCON are less reliable but can be used to obtain a basic indication of fetal fraction in case of a female fetus.CONCLUSION: We recommend the use of a combination of methods to prevent the issue of reports on samples with insufficient fetal DNA; SANEFALCON to check for presence of fetal DNA, SeqFF for estimating the fetal fraction for a female pregnancy and any Y-based method for estimating the fetal fraction for a male pregnancy. © 2017 The Authors. Prenatal Diagnosis published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.