muton (2023-11-30 23:05):
#paper: Schonhaut, D. R., Aghajan, Z. M., Kahana, M. J., & Fried, I. (2023). A neural code for time and space in the human brain. Cell Reports, 42(11). 时间和空间对人类的记忆来说是非常重要的两个维度,不仅可以帮助构建我们的经验,也可以帮助我们预测未来。以往有部分研究发现了时间和空间的神经关联,比如时间细胞和位置细胞的发现等。但是这两个维度是如何在个体记忆中被整合的仍未可知。作者基于这一问题记录了在定时性空间导航虚拟游戏中10个病人的单细胞放电情况,任务分为延迟等待阶段,寻金时间(编码阶段),下一个延迟等待阶段和挖金阶段(提取阶段)。结果发现,内侧颞叶和前额叶皮层神经元在无任务延迟期间编码时间信息,在空间探索过程中,时间和位置是独立表征的,时间细胞会在相似的事件下重新编码(remap)但是位置细胞仍会以稳定的模式放电,群体神经活动代表序列中多个事件的时间信息。本文的亮点在于首次在人类中同时研究了时间和空间信息在记忆形成中的放电特征。
IF:7.500Q1 Cell reports, 2023-11-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113238 PMID: 37906595
A neural code for time and space in the human brain
Time and space are primary dimensions of human experience. Separate lines of investigation have identified neural correlates of time and space, yet little is known about how these representations converge during self-guided experience. Here, 10 subjects with intracranially implanted microelectrodes play a timed, virtual navigation game featuring object search and retrieval tasks separated by fixed delays. Time cells and place cells activate in parallel during timed navigation intervals, whereas a separate time cell sequence spans inter-task delays. The prevalence, firing rates, and behavioral coding strengths of time cells and place cells are indistinguishable-yet time cells selectively remap between search and retrieval tasks, while place cell responses remain stable. Thus, the brain can represent time and space as overlapping but dissociable dimensions. Time cells and place cells may constitute a biological basis for the cognitive map of spatiotemporal context onto which memories are written.