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(2024-06-30 17:56):
#paper DOI: 10.1038/s41534-017-0048-9 Coherent Ising machines—optical neural networks operating at the quantum limit. npj Quantum Inf 3, 49 (2017). 这个工作介绍了一种新型的量子计算方案,相干ising机(CIM)。区别于传统的量子计算方案,CIM有着特别的实用优势,比如对退相干时间没有要求。当然这和它的设计思路相关。从2011年理论方案出现,到目前真机落地的发展,其基本的原理没有变化,区别于传统量子计算在叠加态下进行逻辑计算,再统一进行readout的操作,CIM一开始就采取迭代读取的方式,在每一轮计算(演化)后,进行读读取测量,对系统状态(比如相位情况)进行计算反馈,从而在足够的迭代次数后获得保真度较高的计算结果。该方案特别适合目前的各类优化问题的解决,如果将传统的量子计算方案(量子电路为主)看成瀑布流的开发思路,那么CIM应该就是迭代的敏捷开发。CIM确实是很有意思的想法,希望能够在这个量子计算范式下结合AI做一些有意思的探索。
AbstractIn this article, we will introduce the basic concept and the quantum feature of a novel computing system, coherent Ising machines, and describe their theoretical and experimental performance. We start …
AbstractIn this article, we will introduce the basic concept and the quantum feature of a novel computing system, coherent Ising machines, and describe their theoretical and experimental performance. We start with the discussion how to construct such physical devices as the quantum analog of classical neuron and synapse, and end with the performance comparison against various classical neural networks implemented in CPU and supercomputers.