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AI 5.0.3 (2023-06-30 23:56):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41398-023-02471-w Both reactive and proactive control are deficient in children with ADHD and predictive of clinical symptoms.这篇文献介绍了ADHD儿童反应性控制和主动控制都相较于TD儿童出现了显著下降
IF:5.800Q1 Translational psychiatry, 2023-05-26. DOI: 10.1038/s41398-023-02471-w PMID: 37236924
Cognitive control deficits are a hallmark of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. Theoretical models posit that cognitive control involves reactive and proactive control processes but their distinct roles … >>>
Cognitive control deficits are a hallmark of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. Theoretical models posit that cognitive control involves reactive and proactive control processes but their distinct roles and inter-relations in ADHD are not known, and the contributions of proactive control remain vastly understudied. Here, we investigate the dynamic dual cognitive control mechanisms associated with both proactive and reactive control in 50 children with ADHD (16F/34M) and 30 typically developing (TD) children (14F/16M) aged 9-12 years across two different cognitive controls tasks using a within-subject design. We found that while TD children were capable of proactively adapting their response strategies, children with ADHD demonstrated significant deficits in implementing proactive control strategies associated with error monitoring and trial history. Children with ADHD also showed weaker reactive control than TD children, and this finding was replicated across tasks. Furthermore, while proactive and reactive control functions were correlated in TD children, such coordination between the cognitive control mechanisms was not present in children with ADHD. Finally, both reactive and proactive control functions were associated with behavioral problems in ADHD, and multi-dimensional features derived from the dynamic dual cognitive control framework predicted inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity clinical symptoms. Our findings demonstrate that ADHD in children is characterized by deficits in both proactive and reactive control, and suggest that multi-componential cognitive control measures can serve as robust predictors of clinical symptoms. <<<
颜林林 (2022-10-03 11:15):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41398-022-02189-1 Translational Psychiatry, 2022, The phenotypic spectrum and genotype-phenotype correlations in 106 patients with variants in major autism gene CHD8. 这篇论文的研究主题,是CHD8基因突变与表型的关系。该基因在既往研究中已被报道与孤独症(autism)有关。这是一篇系统性综述,收集并整理了来自17篇论文的病例数据,对其中有CHD8突变信息的病例,还联系相应医生,对临床信息进行了补充完整。结合所收集的表型信息,与突变谱进行关联分析。对于部分开展了甲基化检测的病例,还进行了表观特征的分析,找到与CHD8单倍体剂量不足(haploinsufficiency)相关的修饰。这是一篇针对某个已知疾病相关基因,进行深入研究的很好范例。此研究还提供了在线网站,允许提交关于CHD8的新临床数据,使共同推动与之相关的孤独症研究和诊疗探索。
IF:5.800Q1 Translational psychiatry, 2022-10-01. DOI: 10.1038/s41398-022-02189-1 PMID: 36182950
CHD8, a major autism gene, functions in chromatin remodelling and has various roles involving several biological pathways. Therefore, unsurprisingly, previous studies have shown that intellectual developmental disorder with autism and … >>>
CHD8, a major autism gene, functions in chromatin remodelling and has various roles involving several biological pathways. Therefore, unsurprisingly, previous studies have shown that intellectual developmental disorder with autism and macrocephaly (IDDAM), the syndrome caused by pathogenic variants in CHD8, consists of a broad range of phenotypic abnormalities. We collected and reviewed 106 individuals with IDDAM, including 36 individuals not previously published, thus enabling thorough genotype-phenotype analyses, involving the CHD8 mutation spectrum, characterization of the CHD8 DNA methylation episignature, and the systematic analysis of phenotypes collected in Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO). We identified 29 unique nonsense, 25 frameshift, 24 missense, and 12 splice site variants. Furthermore, two unique inframe deletions, one larger deletion (exons 26-28), and one translocation were observed. Methylation analysis was performed for 13 patients, 11 of which showed the previously established episignature for IDDAM (85%) associated with CHD8 haploinsufficiency, one analysis was inconclusive, and one showing a possible gain-of-function signature instead of the expected haploinsufficiency signature was observed. Consistent with previous studies, phenotypical abnormalities affected multiple organ systems. Many neurological abnormalities, like intellectual disability (68%) and hypotonia (29%) were observed, as well as a wide variety of behavioural abnormalities (88%). Most frequently observed behavioural problems included autism spectrum disorder (76%), short attention span (32%), abnormal social behaviour (31%), sleep disturbance (29%) and impaired social interactions (28%). Furthermore, abnormalities in the digestive (53%), musculoskeletal (79%) and genitourinary systems (18%) were noted. Although no significant difference in severity was observed between males and females, individuals with a missense variant were less severely affected. Our study provides an extensive review of all phenotypic abnormalities in patients with IDDAM and provides clinical recommendations, which will be of significant value to individuals with a pathogenic variant in CHD8, their families, and clinicians as it gives a more refined insight into the clinical and molecular spectrum of IDDAM, which is essential for accurate care and counselling. <<<