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颜林林 (2022-06-21 00:03):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.jmoldx.2022.05.003 The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 2022, Comprehensive Validation of Diagnostic Next-Generation Sequencing Panels for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Patients. 这是来自瑞士和德国的一篇关于血液肿瘤基因检测panel验证的文章。通常认为,肿瘤是遗传病,即由于遗传物质发生突变而导致的疾病。因此,在诊断和治疗决策过程中,会需要开展特定基因的检测。在临床实践上,可以采取panel富集特定DNA片段进行测序的方法,这也是目前肿瘤相关基因检测商业服务的基本模式。这种检测服务得以上市的前提,是需要经过充分的验证。本文便是这样一个验证过程的实例。本文的验证对象,是为诊断AML(急性髓系白血病)的panel,验证过程纳入了26例AML患者的33个DNA样本(骨髓或外周血),以及Acrometrix Oncology Hotspot Control DNA作为对照。对这些样本中携带的AML相关突变进行了检测和性能评价。而临床样本中的突变,也采用qPCR、Sanger测序等方法进行了确认。通过评估,从四个不同panel及多种分析软件中,选出了针对血液病性能最佳的panel及软件组合。
Next-generation sequencing has greatly advanced the molecular diagnostics of malignant hematological diseases and provides useful information for clinical decision making. Studies have shown that certain mutations are associated with prognosis … >>>
Next-generation sequencing has greatly advanced the molecular diagnostics of malignant hematological diseases and provides useful information for clinical decision making. Studies have shown that certain mutations are associated with prognosis and have a direct impact on treatment of affected patients. Therefore, reliable detection of pathogenic variants is critically important. Here, we compared four sequencing panels with different characteristics, from number of genes covered to technical aspects of library preparation and data analysis workflows, to find the panel with the best clinical utility for myeloid neoplasms with a special focus on acute myeloid leukemia. Using the Acrometrix Oncology Hotspot Control DNA and DNA from acute myeloid leukemia patients, panel performance was evaluated in terms of coverage, precision, recall, and reproducibility and different bioinformatics tools that can be used for the evaluation of any next-generation sequencing panel were tested. Taken together, our results support the reliability of the Acrometrix Oncology Hotspot Control to validate and compare sequencing panels for hematological diseases and show which panel-software combination (platform) has the best performance. <<<