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周周复始 (2023-06-30 20:39):
#paper 6-MONTH INFANT BRAIN MRI SEGMENTATION GUIDED BY 24-MONTH DATA USING CYCLE-CONSISTENT ADVERSARIAL NETWORKS.2020.doi: 10.1109/isbi45749.2020.9098515. 6个月左右白质和灰质之间的对比度极低,很难进行人工标注,训练标签的数量非常有限。因此,婴儿脑MRI的自动分割仍然具有一定的挑战性。但成人早期(如24个月)的图像的对比度相对较好,可以很容易地通过成熟的工具进行分割,例如FreeSurfer。因此,本文提出了一种利用24个月大的图像对6个月大的图像进行可靠的组织分割的方法。设计了一个3D-cycleGAN-Seg架构,通过在两个时间点之间转移外观来生成等强度相位的合成图像。为了保证6个月和24个月的图像组织分割的一致性,使用生成的分割的特征来指导生成器网络的训练。为了进一步提高合成图像的质量,提出了一种特征匹配损失,即计算真实图像和伪图像未配对分割特征之间的余弦距离。然后,利用转移的24个月的图像,在6个月的图像上联合训练分割模型。
Due to the extremely low intensity contrast between the white matter (WM) and the gray matter (GM) at around 6 months of age (the isointense phase), it is difficult for … >>>
Due to the extremely low intensity contrast between the white matter (WM) and the gray matter (GM) at around 6 months of age (the isointense phase), it is difficult for manual annotation, hence the number of training labels is highly limited. Consequently, it is still challenging to automatically segment isointense infant brain MRI. Meanwhile, the contrast of intensity images in the early adult phase, such as 24 months of age, is a relatively better, which can be easily segmented by the well-developed tools, e.g., FreeSurfer. Therefore, the question is how could we employ these high-contrast images (such as 24-month-old images) to guide the segmentation of 6-month-old images. Motivated by the above purpose, we propose a method to explore the 24-month-old images for a reliable tissue segmentation of 6-month-old images. Specifically, we design a 3D-cycleGAN-Seg architecture to generate synthetic images of the isointense phase by transferring appearances between the two time-points. To guarantee the tissue segmentation consistency between 6-month-old and 24-month-old images, we employ features from generated segmentations to guide the training of the generator network. To further improve the quality of synthetic images, we propose a feature matching loss that computes the cosine distance between unpaired segmentation features of the real and fake images. Then, the transferred of 24-month-old images is used to jointly train the segmentation model on the 6-month-old images. Experimental results demonstrate a superior performance of the proposed method compared with the existing deep learning-based methods. <<<