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张德祥 (2023-01-03 19:36):
#paper https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2020/243 NeurASP: Embracing Neural Networks into Answer Set Programming 通过将神经网络输出视为答案集程序中原子事实的概率分布, NeurASP  提供了一种简单有效的方法来集成子神经网络和符号计算。 推理可 以帮助识别违反语义约束的感知错误,这反过来可以使感知更加稳健。例如, 用于对象检测的神经网络可能会返回一个边界框及其分类“汽车”,但可 能不清楚它是真车还是玩具车。可以通过应用关于与周围物体的关系的推 理和使用常识知识来进行区分。或者当不清楚附着在汽车上的圆形物体是 轮子还是甜甜圈时,推理者可以根据常识得出结论,它更有可能是轮子。
We present NeurASP, a simple extension of answer set programs by embracing neural networks. By treating the neural network output as the probability distribution over atomic facts in answer set … >>>
We present NeurASP, a simple extension of answer set programs by embracing neural networks. By treating the neural network output as the probability distribution over atomic facts in answer set programs, NeurASP provides a simple and effective way to integrate sub-symbolic and symbolic computation. We demonstrate how NeurASP can make use of a pre-trained neural network in symbolic computation and how it can improve the neural network's perception result by applying symbolic reasoning in answer set programming. Also, NeurASP can make use of ASP rules to train a neural network better so that a neural network not only learns from implicit correlations from the data but also from the explicit complex semantic constraints expressed by the rules. <<<