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张浩彬 (2022-08-10 22:51):
#paper 10.1609/aaai.v34i04.6056 在现实中,具备缺失值的时序很常见。在预测中,我们往往借助缺失位置的局部信息,或者全局均值等方式对缺失值进行插补在进行预测。但是对于缺失率较高,或存在连续缺失的情况,这些方法就可能不够了。本文提出了称为Lgnet的网络结构,在基于LSTM的基础上,对于多时间序列预测问题,借助其他序列的信息,对于序列的缺失值构建基于局部和全局的插补,并且结合gan增强对全局的估计 局部特征构造:经验均值和距离该值往后最近的一点 全局特征:对整体序列进行模式的识别(模式的数量是一个超参数),然后利用局部特征作为索引,找到相似的序列模式,并进行加权构造 以数据点的局部特征作为索引 最后对缺失值的估计有,由4部分取平均:经验均值,最近值,LSTM原始网络的预测值以及全局特征。另外,本文引入gan增强对输出的预测。 最后的实验来看:(1)Lgnet能够提高预测准确率;(2)对数据缺失率进行实验,Lgnet对缺失比例有比较强的鲁棒性。 消融实验:(1)基于内存模块所构造的全局特征,对数据确实的鲁棒性有比较重要的影响;(2)加入gan,能够提高2%-10%的预测精度,尤其是对缺失较高的数据集来说,引入gan更有利于捕捉全局的数据分布
Multivariate time series (MTS) forecasting is widely used in various domains, such as meteorology and traffic. Due to limitations on data collection, transmission, and storage, real-world MTS data usually contains … >>>
Multivariate time series (MTS) forecasting is widely used in various domains, such as meteorology and traffic. Due to limitations on data collection, transmission, and storage, real-world MTS data usually contains missing values, making it infeasible to apply existing MTS forecasting models such as linear regression and recurrent neural networks. Though many efforts have been devoted to this problem, most of them solely rely on local dependencies for imputing missing values, which ignores global temporal dynamics. Local dependencies/patterns would become less useful when the missing ratio is high, or the data have consecutive missing values; while exploring global patterns can alleviate such problem. Thus, jointly modeling local and global temporal dynamics is very promising for MTS forecasting with missing values. However, work in this direction is rather limited. Therefore, we study a novel problem of MTS forecasting with missing values by jointly exploring local and global temporal dynamics. We propose a new framework øurs, which leverages memory network to explore global patterns given estimations from local perspectives. We further introduce adversarial training to enhance the modeling of global temporal distribution. Experimental results on real-world datasets show the effectiveness of øurs for MTS forecasting with missing values and its robustness under various missing ratios. <<<
Ricardo (2022-07-31 22:40):
#paper FactorVAE: A Probabilistic Dynamic Factor Model Based on Variational Autoencoder for Predicting Cross-sectional Stock Returns. 2022年发表于AAAI。 这篇文章通过融合动态因子模型和变分自编码器预测横断面股票收益。最近的研究表明,动态因子模型比静态因子方法能够获得更好的资产定价性能,因此动态因子模型越来越受欢迎。但是目前基于机器学习的因子学习模型会面临一个非常重要的问题,那就是股票数据的低信噪比。股票数据中大量的噪声会干扰因子的提取,从而导致模型提取因子的效果不佳。这篇文章通过引入变分自编码器提取隐含的因子分布,同时建模因子预测收益的风险。
As an asset pricing model in economics and finance, factor model has been widely used in quantitative investment. Towards building more effective factor models, recent years have witnessed the paradigm … >>>
As an asset pricing model in economics and finance, factor model has been widely used in quantitative investment. Towards building more effective factor models, recent years have witnessed the paradigm shift from linear models to more flexible nonlinear data-driven machine learning models. However, due to low signal-to-noise ratio of the financial data, it is quite challenging to learn effective factor models. In this paper, we propose a novel factor model, FactorVAE, as a probabilistic model with inherent randomness for noise modeling. Essentially, our model integrates the dynamic factor model (DFM) with the variational autoencoder (VAE) in machine learning, and we propose a prior-posterior learning method based on VAE, which can effectively guide the learning of model by approximating an optimal posterior factor model with future information. Particularly, considering that risk modeling is important for the noisy stock data, FactorVAE can estimate the variances from the distribution over the latent space of VAE, in addition to predicting returns. The experiments on the real stock market data demonstrate the effectiveness of FactorVAE, which outperforms various baseline methods. <<<