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张德祥 (2022-12-14 19:10):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277199 Structure learning enhances concept formation in synthetic Active Inference agents 结构学习 抽象学习 概念学习是人类认知的高级功能,物体和场景关系在推理中互相影响,现在AI还做不到这样的智能认知,这篇论文超结构学习迈出了第一步,而且是在结构学习下链接行动和感知。世界模型的学习和推理 自由能在学习的时间尺度上,从最快的推理,到慢一点的网络参数学习,再到最慢的睡眠离线模型的结构学习,次论文这三个层次都有介绍,核心是最高级的结构学习。在自由能框架下 结构学习如何自然出现。结构学习可以联系都洞察力,让人恍然大悟的时刻。涉及贝叶斯模型选择推理。
IF:2.900Q1 PloS one, 2022. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0277199 PMID: 36374909
Humans display astonishing skill in learning about the environment in which they operate. They assimilate a rich set of affordances and interrelations among different elements in particular contexts, and form … >>>
Humans display astonishing skill in learning about the environment in which they operate. They assimilate a rich set of affordances and interrelations among different elements in particular contexts, and form flexible abstractions (i.e., concepts) that can be generalised and leveraged with ease. To capture these abilities, we present a deep hierarchical Active Inference model of goal-directed behaviour, and the accompanying belief update schemes implied by maximising model evidence. Using simulations, we elucidate the potential mechanisms that underlie and influence concept learning in a spatial foraging task. We show that the representations formed-as a result of foraging-reflect environmental structure in a way that is enhanced and nuanced by Bayesian model reduction, a special case of structure learning that typifies learning in the absence of new evidence. Synthetic agents learn associations and form concepts about environmental context and configuration as a result of inferential, parametric learning, and structure learning processes-three processes that can produce a diversity of beliefs and belief structures. Furthermore, the ensuing representations reflect symmetries for environments with identical configurations. <<<